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Some please give this to a coach


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This is the wife talking:

You know i couldn't be any more upset about this game so far, u know us Redskins fan look forward to every Sunday hoping that you guys will play the way you should play. You guys have what it takes but you guys play like you don't have a clue as to what you guys are doing (offensive). I don't understand why you guys are playing like crap.

You guys are playing with out heart like if you don't care. Sometimes it makes me wonder if you really care about winning, because we all know that you guys will get paid either way.

However us Fans who stay with you guys through thick and thin are getting tried of staying behind you guys, when you don't show up to the game, the defensive does their job, you can see that they try but you offensive act like you guys don't even know how to tackle.

We love you guys, play for us, play for your fans, everytime you guys lose, we lose. This sucks..... just SHOW UP TO THE GAME, you guys aren't horrible players.

And to you coach please chew their A**** out if they make a mistake. Call the right calls, and please go for it on 4th down when you KNOW we don't have a good kicker. GO FOR IT.

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