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Joe Theismann Auto Event 12/9


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Well this is an interesting item and IMO way over priced. Sponsored by the Washington Redskins. The going rate for a Joe Theismann auto is 60.00. You can get one of the footballs advertised for between 25.00 and 30.00 dollars. A Mini Helment is from 20.00 to 25.00. An authentic helment is about 180.00. Replica helment is about 80.00.

Even with all of this you would think that they would have a 1 bar helment that Joe Theismann used to wear.

Way to go Danny the country is in a serious recession (depression) and you want to rape all the Skins fans out there. Perhaps it is time to give a little back to the fans instead of taking more. Bummer!!!

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Seems this is the new wave in autograph signings. Have any of you heard of Liveautographs.com Now you can just order and watch your item get signed and ask player a question then get a copy of the signing. Makes for a nice COA or VideoCOA. Can anyone just tune in and watch the signing. Might have to check this out if I have time. Pretty soon will see just internet video signings.

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Caught some of the signing. Was pretty cool. Joe T said reason he wore the one bar was because Sonny and Kilmer did. Also, because helped him see better handing off the ball. How cool would it be to see JC break out a one bar helmet in a game. Joe is a collector as well. Has John Daly golf bag from when he won a major and Shaq game used shoe from his Orlando days. He signed quite a few of those oversized pennants and helmets. Said he takes pride in his graph, so people know who it is. Doesn't get why many of the current player's don't.

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Also watched the signing and thought it was pretty cool to have Joe and and if you had something signed, it would probably be nice to get a copy of the show. I thought the prices that the REDSKINS charged for the items was ridiculous but others didn't which is fine. I always like listening to old stories of the glory days and also love hearing from Joe. I have met Joe many times in Texas (during his playing days) and run into him at the celebrity golf tournament in Tahoe and he was very, very nice and friendly. I've been a big Joe T. fan and he took a picture with my 4 year old, signed the picture the next day, signed my jersey and even took my mom with him in his golf cart for one of the holes at the golf tournament. All around great guy and really appreciative of the fans. Wish more were like him.

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