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The Definition of Insanity


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Isn't the definition of insanity to do all the things you've always done and expect a different result?

At what point do we have to realize that it's just time to infuse something new in to this team? We've been playing with the same team for going on 3 years now and we haven't seen anything different from Gibbs to Zorn.

- Our offensive line is just not getting it done. When do we draw the line with these guys? It's time to see what we have in Hayer and Rhinehart.

- Let the young guys get all the playing time they can handle for the rest of the season. JLC put it right on the money--ARE is a great guy to have on your team...he gives you a lot of different things. While he isn't going to catch 60 yard bombs, he's very effective out of the slot. The worst that can happen is Devin Thomas and Malcom Kelly get a little bit of time under their belts.

- We have to stop playing guys 10 yards off the ball. It's just getting old. Manning picked us apart with his quick slants. Those slants were open all day because our CB's were playing 10 yards back and Landry was 30 yards deep. Bring Landry up and dare them to go over the top. Very few receivers are going to beat our guys over the top one on one.

From Norv, to Schottenheimer, to Spurrier, to Gibbs and now to Zorn, it just seems like we're doing the same thing over and over and over again. What's the least that can happen? We lose? Been there, done that. I just can't handle the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.


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