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Dedicated to Sean Taylor (last year's thread)


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Posted December 5, 2007 (my 700h post dedicated to the loss of Sean):

I can still remember the 2004 draft. We were so unsure whether to take you or Winslow. Boy am I glad we chose you. We saw what you were capable of back in your Cane days, and we all were so excited to see you picked @ #5.

While the outsiders spoke ill of your "late hits", Pittman, and the fighting incident, we all loved you Sean. You were our hero and will always be. We watched you completely take over the Philly game in 05, the dive still gives us chills. We watched you scoop up a fumble in the playoff game against the Bucs and take it to the house full stride. I actually left my cousin's wedding early to come home and watch the game. As a matter of fact, I missed the beginning of the wedding too. I was down in the hotel lobby for the 1st quarter. :)

From the body slam of McNabb, to the painful hits on Moss and T.O, we loved every minute you spent with us. We love your forced fumbles, your INTs, your bone jarring hits. We love the way you'd make up so much ground just to snatch the ball from the hands of some unsuspecting receiver. You were truly a pleasure to watch. The hit on Moorman will forever remain etched in my mind. I got excited watching every game you ever played in and no one will ever replace #21 Sean Taylor.

We love you. We miss you. We will never forget you. You truly became our favorite player over the past 4 seasons. We've cried ever since the news came out that you'd been shot, and we cry to this day. The tears will continue to pour for you #21, because you shed them for us on the gridiron.

Getting choked up just typing this, so I'll close it by saying:

Sean Taylor will forever be a Redskin in all our hearts. We will continue to fight on, fight on til we meet you again friend. And know one thing, those who hurt you will pay, those who spoke ill of you will soon know what we've known all along. You were a great player, a great person, and you are our hero.

We love you #21!!!!

My thoughts today:

One year later and it still hurts, but we've moved on like Sean would've wanted us to. He is still our friend, our hero, and most definitely our Washington Redskin. #21 will forever be in our thoughts as we cheer on the burgundy and gold.

R.I.P Sean Taylor

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