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Qb perceptions


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I love getting on this message board...I never post anything, but I love to see what other Skins fans are saying. Since he was a Jag I loved Mark Brunell...And I know most will diagree with me, but I think that Brunell did some wonderful things for Washington. I believed that a lot of the blame rest with him for 2006, but the rest of the team both offense and defense deserve the SAME amount of blame. As one of the official Brunell supporters on this forum, I defended him when the talks of "RELEASE NUMBER 17, WHY IS CAMPBELL NOT PLAYING ETC" was ongoing. There were many people on this forum who had Campbell pegged as THE FUTURE and even a future HOF'er. It's amazing that now people are calling for his head. When does it end? One thing I will never understand about some of the people who post on here is how they can show such an insurmountable level of support for a person and then want to throw them to the wolves. I defended Brunell. I never put the blame squarely on his shoulders like so many. The popular belief was get rid of MB and JC will bring us back to the glory days. Its unbelieveable now that so many of you want JC away from center.

Not everything can rest on the QB...But I believe this firmly that Skin fans are the most loyal and passionate around the league, but it seems that we always tend to place the blame on the QB in Washington; at least 80% of it. In my opinion if we didn't get Al Saunders in 2006 and simply just found a great number 2 receiver to complement Moss and kept everything the same it was in 2005, I think the skins would of have had a great chance for a SuperBowl win that year. But with all the acquisitions we got in 2006, the majority of posts I saw on here blamed Mark Brunell and now I see many people blame JC.

It can't always be on the QB.

Thats my two cents anyway.


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