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Split WIzards Playoffs and 2008-9 LL midcourt seats?


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I am looking for someone to split a pair of 2008-9 Wizards LL midcourt seats (Sec 111, Row M -- 12 rows off floor on aisle between 3 pt line and half court). Cost of each seat is $125 per game (face $150) so total for 20 games is 20*125*2=$5000. We could do a "draft" to see who gets what tickets.

These are absolutely fantastic seats but I cannot afford to get to 41 home games. The alternative for me is to downgrade to a partial season plan but the seating options get worse and the per game pricing goes up -- not a good combination!

In conjunction with this deal, I'd be willing to split some of my tickets for the upcoming playoffs and sell them at cost as well. (I got a good deal because I've already put down a deposit for next year's tickets.) My per seat cost for every game (regardless of round) will be $125. Note that the GATE price for these same seats is roughly $180 per seat for round 1, with HUGE escalations for subsequent rounds.

Please PM me if interested or if you have any questions!

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