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Drivers made to hop like frogs and man attempts robbery and fails


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How did China miss these:laugh:


Truck drivers who are caught speeding in an Indian state are being made to hop like frogs.

Police in Bihar dish out the humiliating punishments instead of taking offenders to court, reports Newindpress.com.

For the most popular punishment, leapfrog, speeding truck drivers have to sit on their haunches, hold their ears and hop for almost half a kilometre.

And the drivers are made to chant the name of the political leader they like most while they are being punished.

One policeman was quoted as saying: "If they remember their leader when they are being punished, it's like they are insulting them. If they have any sense, they won't do the offence again."


Police in Neillsville, Wisconsin, have reported that a man tried to rob a pharmacy using the time-honored ruse of pretending his finger was a gun. However, the man, who was wearing a black mask, didn't feel the need to hide the fake 'gun' in his pocket -- he held his finger up to pharmacist Rob Taylor. He simply held up his gloved hand and pointed his finger, with his thumb extended like the ****ed hammer of a pistol, at the pharmacy owner. It didn't work. "I kind of chuckled," Taylor said, asking "Is this a robbery?"

The man then pushed Taylor who wrestled with the man and, in the scuffle, pulled off his mask. He recognized the robber as Joel Peterson, who had earlier tried to fill forged prescriptions.

Prosecutors couldn't charge the assailant with attempted armed robbery since a pointed finger isn't a weapon. Instead, Peterson was charged with attempted robbery with threat of force.

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