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Thanks to the people who welcomed me after my first post. I have been a long time observer of this board--was on the TSN board for a while. It is great to see so many Skins fans in one place. I have been a fan since the late 50's- I have seen the good, the bad and the ugly. Have never given up hope-especially when every training camp offers so many possibilities. There a ton of neat stories to follow in this years camp. I can't wait for Marty's team to take the field. It's a pleasure to be here.

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Let me add my welcome to the board, Hauss. Your namesake was one of my favorites from those old Skins teams, along with Jerry Smith, Hanburger and of course, Pat Fischer (once he came over from the Cards). Len was damn near indestructible.

You've got me beat; Dad took me to my first game in '64 and I've been a fan ever since. Those pre-Lombardi teams were easy to love and always fun to watch, despite the losing. A lot more fun than the Norv Turner era, that's for sure.

Like you, I'm waiting for this season under the new regime with great anticipation. Looking forward to hearing your thoughts as it plays out.

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