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Is it possible to lower your available credit on a card?


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I wouldn't lower them unless you are looking to buy a home...and you've been denied. I've heard that some underwriters are worried that if you buy a home and have a lot of available credit that you will use all the credit to paint, repair, decorate, furnish, etc the new home and then wind up in trouble. Personally, I don't really buy that, but that's what I've been told. If you have good credit and FICO score (although I think mortgage companies use an 'enhanced' FICO score that is different from your regular score), I don't see any reason to lower the limits.

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Is it common, or even allowed, to have your available credit on a given card lessened without canceling it? (or buying lot's of stuff with it)

My longest tenured credit card has a $5600 available credit, but I never use it but want to keep it open to show longevity for my report. In my opinion, my score would benefit by cutting that in half. I have great credit otherwise with only one card with a balance about %50 of the limit, and a car loan. I've never been late on anything.

A 1/3 of your credit score is based on how much available credit you have. Lowering the limit on a credit card you never use will hurt not help your credit score. The whole credit system is stupid.

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