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The article in todays Post about George having tendinitis gets me a bit up tight. This could cause him more then soreness, such as loss of strength, and feeling in his hand if it gets severe. Although he states he would be able to play if it was the regular season, just how well could he. I know first hand how minor tendinitis can get to an extreme point very fast. I'm sure glad Husak is gettin lots of reps, cause I have a VERY BAD FEELING about this.

http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/sports/leaguesandsports/ nfl/20002001/washingtonredskins/A32801-2001Aug4.html

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We have quite a few minor nicks already. Nothing serious, but you hate to see the missed time in camp.

As for George, at least it sounds as though they are taking a cautious approach. Hard to tell if it really is nothing serious or if the team is downplaying the whole thing. We'll know soon enough.

Glad to see he was working out with Westy, Gardner and Lockett.

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As of about noon Sun., ESPN's show with Kiper and Sabol said it most likely is just George being George, meaning it's his way of telling Marty he's not going thru his bootcamp, at least on Marty's terms.

It shouldn't surprise anyone either way. I mean regardless of a real injury or imagined, George has a history of both. What it really means,they said, is an affirmation that George is on the very short list of players that are already marked "out-of-here-for-next-year." We all knew Marty was pretty much stuck with him for this season, and that it's a great opportunity for Husak.

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I am a little disturbed about this as well. This thing could linger all season. I hope all is really well with Jeff's arm but like many of you, I don't like the sound of this at all.


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It must be minor and just weekly reviewed by the medical staff, I suppose. IMHO, I was looking Jeff George in the eye with BOW and I didn't see any sign, flinch, altered movement or lack of zip on his passes. Of course the passes were straight ahead and I used BOW binoculars to watch him like a hawk. However he was discussing things Marty and the QB coach along the way.

I wouldn't discount what you're saying, but I believe it sent him a "painful" signal, then let up. If it were to increase within a week, like three or four times, I'd sit him down and have him put under a microscope quick.

Husak, just stands out better than the other two to be ready to at least take the brunt of the snaps.

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I'm sure Jeffy doesn't want to go through camp marty but there are tests to see if the muscles are actually flaring up. You can't say "My arm is hurting but there are not signs of it". Bubba Tyer isn't stupid and I personally don't think Jeff could pull a big one over him.


Bufford T Justice- Inventor of the Todd Husak "Future Starter" logo.... with the help of Blade

<IMG SRC="http://www.extremeskins.com/ubb/ranks/husak2.gif" border=0>

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Braves on the Warpath, if you read this, I need to know your opinion "again" on what I told you I saw, with the QB's, when they were doing the stretch excercises, including our all players.

I recall how I knew they were standing up and who it was that cried uncle and bounced right back up first laugh.gif


[edited.gif by indyskinsfan on August 05, 2001.]

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A week till the 1st preseason game, I'll worry about Jeffs arm in another 2 weeks.


Bufford T Justice- Inventor of the Todd Husak "Future Starter" logo.... with the help of Blade

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<IMG SRC="http://old.theinsiders.com/redskins/images/wash1-sm.gif" border=0>

<IMG SRC="" border=0>

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