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What's the Difference for the Redskins?


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What's the Difference for the Redskins?

Only a short 4 weeks ago, the Redskins were 5-7. No one gave them a chance to rebound, much less make the playoffs. Everyone thought their Hall of Fame coach was senile and the game had passed him by. Even some of the most devoted fans, shouted "Joe must go!" after a devastating loss to the Buffalo Bills. That game took place less than a week after the most dominant player on the team was tragically killed. With season-ending injuries to the players on the offensive line, players in the secondary and the first-round draft pick and starting quarterback, Jason Campbell, it looked as though the team was collapsing around itself with no hopes of bouncing back.

Now, playing with many back-ups, the Skins held the 1 offense in the NFC to one yard rushing. Now, playing with a guy who was a third-string quarterback in the preseason (Todd Collins), the Skins are the most feared team going into the playoffs.

What's the difference? Determination? Commitment? Some intangible chemistry among teammates? Perhaps these have played a role in the team's turnaround...

Joe Gibbs, the sole winner of three Super Bowls using three different quarterbacks, looks to the Lord Jesus Christ for his answer. "In life, sometimes, the Lord does some of the best things after you've been crushed," Gibbs said in his post-game press conference yesterday. "For me, personally, I needed to go through some things there. Having the right priorities is a big deal, and there comes a point in life where you've got to say, 'I want what the Lord wants, not what I want.' I felt like that was a defining moment for me, four weeks ago."

All season, Gibbs has worn his heart on his sleeve and shared his own personal feelings about the most intimate issues via his online devotional site joegibbsonline.com. Each week, Gibbs records a video in which he speaks to the public about how the things he experiences on the football field impacts his faith in Jesus Christ and vice versa. While most every other coach in the NFL remains only a public figure that the general public never really knows, Joe Gibbs breaks the mold and reaches out to fans of the game in the name of Christ, allowing us to hear his struggles and fears in the midst of life – all the time giving glory to God.

The Bible has a story of a man named Job who went through utter devastation in his life. When his own wife said, "Curse God and die!", Job remained steadfast in his faith that God had a plan. Job's response to his wife and to his friends was as follows:

"Shall we accept good from God, and not trouble?" (Job 2:10 NIV)

"Though he slay me, yet will I hope in him;" (Job 13:15 NIV)

"I admit I once lived by rumors of you; now I have it all firsthand, from my own eyes and ears!" (Job 42:5 The Message)

Yes, the Skins are more determined than ever to memorialize the memory of their fallen teammate, Sean Taylor, and win the Super Bowl. Yes, the Skins are more committed than ever to play as perfectly as they possibly can. Yes, there is a certain amount of chemistry between teammates that the Redskins have not had since the glory years of the 80's and 90's. But perhaps the biggest difference why this team is heading into the playoffs is because of its attitude towards God in the midst of victory and defeat.

Will the Redskins win the Super Bowl? Maybe. Maybe not. But we can't forget Job and that "the Lord made him prosperous again and gave him twice as much as he had before." (Job 42:10 NIV)

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dude, this is simple. whether you like it or not, it is todd collins. does this mean he is literally doing it all by himself? Of course not but he is the QB and he starts it all off on offense. hence you get a competent Qb that knows what he is doing, he is gonna make the oline better, running game becomes better because the opponent have to respect the passing game and we produce more passsing yard because he can find open receivers.

our d always have been good this yr.

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