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coaching wins (and loses) this time of year


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Look at Gibbs' record in December. Look how GW gets mediocre D's to play like powerhouses down the strech. Yesterdays game is a perfect example. Our coaches, once again, devised a game plan to stomp the guts out of a far superior team that we had no hope of beating*. (*according to our friendly neighborhood trolls, that is).

Meanwhile, the Girls' Son of a Bum has them floundering. With a chance to rest his players up for his big chace to get his first playoff win ever, he instead trots them out there to pursue individual records. This is the me-first attitude which was brought to the table by TO, and has clearly infected the rest of the team, including their coach and their "star" QB. Not to mention Terry "boo-hoo, thier picking on me" Glennda.

As you can see, this is my first post. No need to welcome me, though, as I have been lurking for some time (discovered the site at the beginning of the 05 run actually). Until five weeks ago, I never cried over football. Now my eyes are wet again, but the tears of pain have been replaced by tears of joy. This is truly a great day for all Redskins fans! I am really happy today for you young fans. Even those of you that you bash Gibbs. I understand. I think you are learning what a hall-of-fame coach is now, and how it feels to be proud to say you are a Redskins fan, the greatest franchise in football...enjoy the ride!

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