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It's Like a Marriage, for Better or Worse.


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And right now, it's worse.

You can blame it on bad luck:

7 injuries, 2 of them season-ending.

Murder of a beloved teammate.

Turnovers, missed field goals etc etc. But I think the saddest thing it all comes down to is that all season the coaching staff, (and I hold Williams in this as well with soft-zone coverage on 3rd downs!) has consistently put their hard-working young men in bad positions over and over and over again when they needed to help them.

Being conservative until the last 2 minutes of the 4th quarter where you put the weight of the game on a young QB's shoulder only to break his heart because he has to throw into coverage and throws the INT.

Not going for it on 4th down when you need to and kicking a field goal, going for it when you should kick the field goal.

Using valuable time outs because you can't get the play in on time.

Getting to the redzone with ease then calling the worst formations and plays imaginable. (Sometimes three times in a row!)

The defense has done the equivalent of this by being very aggressive on 1st and 2nd down and then going into a soft zone with no anchor over the middle "to prevent the big play." The offense doesn't need a "big play", all they need is another first down which they've been getting at key points in teh game which is one of the reasons we blow leads in the 4th quarter. They attack and we go into prevent, giving up valuable yardage over the short-middle of the field.

I'm still a Redskin fan but it has been a long hard road since Snyder took over this team years ago with the hopes of making into a powerhouse franchise again. He's making gobs of money and us, the fans, are suffering through every mediocre year of it.

I will always love Gibbs for being the kind-hearted man that he is, a true leader who has proven himself beyond doubt, a Superbowl coach. But you can't repeat your successes. Even Mike Holmgren, who has built 2 successful teams and taken them to the Superbowl, has not been able to do that.

Farewell Joe, it's time for a young man full of piss and vinegar who has no track record, no busts and no trophies and wants to prove himself to the world of football.

J Sale, Pasadena, CA

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