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Remembering Sean Taylor, Remembering the Human Being


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Please post anything you know about Sean Taylor as a human being!

I'm requesting a remembrance thread of Sean Taylor, the human being. I am requesting even the smallest details and memories of Sean (tidbits, quirks, stories, experiences, etc).

I miss Sean. Of course, not because I personally knew him, but because I wish I did. There's nothing more for me to know about Sean Taylor, the football player. There isn't a single highlight in all of ST's truncated career that I haven't seen. From preseason to playoffs, his rock-solid heart and fearlessness on the field has been, and will evermore be an inspiration to me in my life. I'll never get the opportunity to one day get his autograph or shake his hand. The only thing left for me in this world is to get to know more about the guarded, enigmatic star from those who have memories to share.

In addition, the majority has formed an ignorant, lazy, and dehumanizing narrative of Sean, making him out to be nothing more than a cautionary tale of a thug. By remembering and sharing what we know of Sean, we can restore his trampled humanity.

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I went to see the skins play Oakland during our 2005 Season - Got to the game really early and was walking around outside of the stadium on the sidewalk with 2 friends from work. I hear someone behind me say, "that's Sean Taylor!" Just then I notice a small crowd of 10-15 people up ahead. I keep walking until I'm part of that little crowd and next thing I know I'm standing face to face with Sean Taylor.

Still in disbelief I'm trying to convince myself it can't be him. First reaction, this guy is not big enough to be the larger than life Sean Taylor. He looks like your average guy wearing just sweatpants, long sleeve hoodie and carrying a school style backpack, clearly this cannot be the elite Sean Taylor. Sure it looks like his face, but mind keeps looking for other excuses why this cannot be him and I stand there just watching and listening as he interacts with fans.

He timidly reacts to fans yelling out for an autograph reaching towards him with marker in one hand and hat, jersey, or other memorabilia in the other. Some people will yell out questions like, "You gonna deliver a big hit today Sean?" He would crack a slight smile and respond with "Aw I just want us to give you guys a win today" or something along those lines. He spoke very soft - so unless he was standing in front of you it wasn't easy to hear him. He continued to shake hands and signed autograph's, while I still stand there in disbelief. Time passes by and more players start to arrive, I see Shawn Springs making his way accross the street wearing a high $$$ 3 piece suit. This is when I realize we are at the players park lot and entrance.

Now I'm confident it's him but wonder to myself why players keep walking by, not signing autograph's while this Sean Taylor impostor has been spending all this time with fans. He finally starts to walk away and I haven't said a word or got a signature, only stood watching trying to disbelieve its not him. What is the matter with you I think to myself, are you just scared to ask for it? So I yell out, "Sean can I please get your autograph" - He stops just as he was starting to turn to walk away, and comes back towards me. I take off my #36 Sean Taylor Jersey to get it signed when I realize I don't have a marker. Now I'm almost panicing thinking, "oh no please, don't let this happen..." I look to the person behind me when Sean says I got you, and pulls a Sharpie out of his backpack. Whew!!!! As he gives the Jersey back I thank him and shake his hand at which point I say to him, "I just want to say thanks and as a fan I appriciate everything you do for us" He thanked me again, and walked inside.

Now this was the season he changed to #21 but I had his previous rookie year #36. I inspected the signature he left on the front, and to my amazement he even signed it with the number #36 beneath his signature. I figured when I handed it to him sort of balled up he would have just signed it without looking and put #21, but he actually took the time to look at the jersey number before signing it.

So not only was Sean Taylor the first one too arrive about 15 minutes ahead of anyone else. He also spent the most time that day signing autographs compared to any other Redskin. It amazed me Sean even took the time to ensure he signed the matching number for my jersey while other players didn't even spend one second with fans. That really stuck with me, and always will. He might not have taken time for the media for his own reasons but from everything I heard and witnessed Sean Taylor more than made up for it in spending time with his fans!

R.I.P. Sean - You gave me a memory and left an impression that will never die!!!!

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