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Heard at the Park - 8/13/07


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Just as clarification, I am not criticizing Gibbs about not being more emotional in a preseason game against the Titans...I am talking about Gibbs overall since he has been back... In the past three seasons, I RARELY (maybe once) have seen him get emotional at all...almost seems like a robot at times.

And if the HEAD COACH cannot get your players excited about playing someone in a different jersey...then there is a problem!

Did you miss all of the post-game press conferences last year following losses where he could barely talk because of the emotion in his voice? The pain he described in losing? The chuckles and jokes following a win? He's never been the kind of coach who would rage on the sidelines. The most emotion during a game I think he's ever shown in his career was jumping for joy at the end of the Cowboys game a couple of seasons ago.

How much emotion does Bellicheck reflect during a game? Andy Reid? Coughlin rages up and down the sidelines how far has that gotten the Giants? Gibbs public emotion hasn't been the issue - lack of talent and depth at key positions has - I'll join you in criticizing him and the rest of the front office for that.

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Did you miss all of the post-game press conferences last year following losses where he could barely talk because of the emotion in his voice? The pain he described in losing? The chuckles and jokes following a win? He's never been the kind of coach who would rage on the sidelines. The most emotion during a game I think he's ever shown in his career was jumping for joy at the end of the Cowboys game a couple of seasons ago.

How much emotion does Bellicheck reflect during a game? Andy Reid? Coughlin rages up and down the sidelines how far has that gotten the Giants? Gibbs public emotion hasn't been the issue - lack of talent and depth at key positions has - I'll join you in criticizing him and the rest of the front office for that.

All I can remember from Gibbs post-game is this:

"....They faught their guts out...blah blah blah..."

Do you ever hear:

"....Jansen (or any other player) played poorly and I am going to address that issue with him in practice this week...."

Do you hear that? No... Thats all I am asking.... It can be classy and still get the message across about what you are upset about...

But do not give us some lame excuse or try to just treat our fans like we are ignorant. A lot of times it makes me feel like Gibbs looks at the fans like we do not know a thing about football...

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A lot of people seem to be forgetting that Jansen's poor play can be traced back to last season. He wasn't very good, even during our Betts rush-athon period. We couldn't rush to the right. Jansen just can't get any push at the point of attack anymore. He's done. For more details, consult this thread from last year:


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I don't read a lot into anything coaches or players say into a camera or microphone. These guys grow up in front of cameras, to the point every word is calculated and every phrase a cliche. Nobody takes Nuke Laloosh seriously on camera. And that leaves fans to try to parse the tone of voice and/or facial expression the pros use while saying them. Just not something I take very seriously. Maybe if I was trained in reading body language and/or voice inflection, but since I'm not ...

Do I think Buges was pissed about some of the stuff he saw Saturday night? Yeah I do. Do I care whether he projected that anger--er, intensity :) --for our benefit into a mike? Nah. I care about how the line comes out and plays early against Pittsburgh. If they come out and look disorganized and get overpowered again, I'll start to get a little concerned that there's something going on there to be worried about.

But not over a few words on tape.

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I don't read a lot into anything coaches or players say into a camera or microphone. These guys grow up in front of cameras, to the point every word is calculated and every phrase a cliche. Nobody takes Nuke Laloosh seriously on camera. And that leaves fans to try to parse the tone of voice and/or facial expression the pros use while saying them. Just not something I take very seriously. Maybe if I was trained in reading body language and/or voice inflection, but since I'm not ...

Do I think Buges was pissed about some of the stuff he saw Saturday night? Yeah I do. Do I care whether he projected that anger--er, intensity :) --for our benefit into a mike? Nah. I care about how the line comes out and plays early against Pittsburgh. If they come out and look disorganized and get overpowered again, I'll start to get a little concerned that there's something going on there to be worried about.

But not over a few words on tape.

Well said bro...

It does not really matter to me if the coaching staff says it into a microphone for the media to see or not... Just want to make sure that issues ARE being addressed...at some point, even behind the scenes, a coach needs to chew someone out for poor performance.

Last year, the Head Coach waited to week 12 to get fired up on the players behind the scenes, and even Mike Sellers said that "It was a shame" that the HEAD COACH did not respond like that earlier in the season. That made it obvious to me right there that the Head Coach is not getting emotional even in the locker room away from the media, it actually made me question how much dedication to the Redskins does our Head Coach really have...? With running a NASCAR team (watch how he talks more about NASCAR than football with Sonny and George on NBC4) and running a pro football team, seems like too much on his plate...

Wouldn't you rather see him dedicate all of his energy towards the Redskins? Sort of the way he did it in 1981-1992...


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A lot of people seem to be forgetting that Jansen's poor play can be traced back to last season. He wasn't very good' date=' even during our Betts rush-athon period. We couldn't rush to the right. Jansen just can't get any push at the point of attack anymore. He's done. For more details, consult this thread from last year:


I agree....Jansen has not been the same guy that we used to see out there. I do not know why or what happened to him, but I do hope that his best years aren't already behind him...

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personally, i think joe bugel has become a liability. we need new younger blood at some coaching positions. i loved the bugel years, when his hogs dominated. but, now it seems the linemen are complacent, the coach is comfortable, and there is no fire on the offensive line. we need a bad boy on the line, and we dont have one. jansen once again, is a diplomat on the team, and he has never made a mistake or own up to it. we have raved about the defense all last year, and early this year, but, i think the defense is going to be fine. the offensive line can bring the whole team down this year. of course, if the defense holds the other team to less than 10 points a game we have a chance.

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personally, i think joe bugel has become a liability. we need new younger blood at some coaching positions. i loved the bugel years, when his hogs dominated. but, now it seems the linemen are complacent, the coach is comfortable, and there is no fire on the offensive line. we need a bad boy on the line, and we dont have one. jansen once again, is a diplomat on the team, and he has never made a mistake or own up to it. we have raved about the defense all last year, and early this year, but, i think the defense is going to be fine. the offensive line can bring the whole team down this year. of course, if the defense holds the other team to less than 10 points a game we have a chance.

Like I said before, when is the coaching staff going to held accountable for the poor performance this team has seen last year and recently?

I totally agree with you about the O-line and about Bugel. I liked him when we was in charge of the hogs and was fiery, not to mention hungry! This time around it just seems like he has been relaxed... The energy and excitement that Bugel had when he was re-hired was great, but I have not seen that kind of energy from him ever since then... But then again, the head coach seems just as relaxed. We should be HUNGRY right now, we are a 5-11 team...most 5-11 teams are not relaxed! Players and teams that have some pride in themselves would have something to prove to the world and to themselves...

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I hear passion everywhere on this post. Thumbs up for that. WE must try and remember the coaching talent this team has. Joe Gibbs is the lynchpin. But, he will give these coaches/coordinators the time it takes for their system to gel with the players. Unfortunately, when staring at a 16 game season, proper timing to notification ie. implement running game much more frequently and attack on defense was impeded by injury to key personnel. Adjustments were made, and the result was mediocre performance. So, there's more to it, to this special profession we call football coaches, than lighting a fire under a player's butt. Lighting that fire may not be as easy as it sounds.

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Joe Gibbs is a great man and truely passionate man when it comes to winning. Since his returning to coaching, for each loss he only blames himself. This is not a guise, this is how the man feels. He believe that he alone let the fans down and he alone must find the way to fix things.

Most, including many key players don't seem to respect that Coach Gibbs will not call them out in public (like Bill Parcells does too much). These players hide behind a coach like a coward behind a skirt.

It is good the fans are as passionate as Coach Gibbs. Maybe it is time, after three years of the players hiding, that the fans tell the players that we see them hiding.

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I'll agree with the post's that say we need passion. However, most players will all tell you, there is too much practice and preseason games that are mostly for the fans to get more passionate and owners to make money. Yep, MONEY!!! My feelings is that players will not get up for these kinds of games. Also, you play like you practice. If our guys at least give it there all for practice that's good enough for me. I know I'm no one, but I would rather see them in uniform for all 16 games and on the field, than in street clothes for game days/DL list.

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You do realize the players are paid by the fans. It is the fans that pay for preseason games as well as regular season.

If paying fans attending a game is not enough reason for a veteran to play hard then cut that player for the disrespect to the paying fans. The Nationals prove that even a lossing team is loved in DC when the players are giving it 100%.

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I do realize that, but NFL owners are paid a very good sum per year from those very same fans. If it wasn't about the money then I would say to the NFL and the owners to give all proceeds of the preseason to charity no matter if all seats are filled or not. I betcha there would be at most 2 games every preseason. Don't players get fined if they report to camp out of shape? If I was an owner/GM I would hold all pro's accountable.

No matter, it still does not change the fact on how some of the players feel about the preseason games. Skins' fans have it pretty good since they can come to the practice sessions or 2 and 3-a-days for free.

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