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In Search Of ... The Big O


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Painful as it was, I've watched each of our preseason games twice, and am left with the strong impression that [insert drum roll and/or "duh" here] ... this is NOT the offense we're going to see September 9.

With apologies to the true X's and O's guys around here, one of whom I do not claim to be ... it appears to me that:

Our running game so far, with few exceptions, has consisted of S. Davis or K. Carter going off-tackle, behind a line that I have yet to notice doing any appreciable pulling or trapping (holding yes, pulling & trapping no), but rather pretty much just plowing straight ahead into the 7 and 8 man fronts and constant blitz packages our opponents have thrown at us.

In the passing game, you can count the number of 1 and 3 step drops, quick slants, rollouts, screens, quick passes to WR's in the flats, etc., on your fingers. Instead, we've seen a steady diet of 5- and 7-step drops, and our QB's looking downfield. Unhappily for them, and the aesthetics of the offense to date, all too often the opposition has arrived at 5-or 7-step drop depth about the same time as the QB.

Having the Baby QB's playing the 1st two games hasn't helped. The revolving door at OG hasn't helped. The fact that Marty has played the preseason incredibly close to the vest is a factor. The reasons for not showing our O so far are not my point. They have been discussed in depth around here already.

My point is that by the end of the 1st quarter in the opener, we'll have seen the offense as it is designed to run. If the middle of the O line is struggling, we'll roll the QB out if necessary, we'll see the quick slant, the screen, etc. We'll see our 2001 Redskins version of the "modified WCO," ready or not (meaning I'm concerned just how evolved and/or polished it's likely to look out of the gate, having never seen live fire).

My point is that, having seen 3 preseason games, my impressions of our new modified WCO is:

... beats the hell out of me. I haven't seen it yet.

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While I agree with you Om that Marty and company haven't shown us all their offensive tricks yet there is still a glaring problem with the offensive line. I for one was appaled by the first team offense in the first quarter against the Browns. The revolving door at guard coupled with Samuels' injury hasn't brought forth a cohesive unit that can effectively run block and pass protect. Typical of revolving door lines we've seen under Norv.

The Browns first team defense spent a good part of their night with 8 men in the box bull rushing the Redskins o-line. Marty's got his hands full coming up with a viable lineup that can stop the Pats defense on Thursday. (By the way did anyone happen to catch the Pats, Teddy Bruschi leap over a Bucaneer guard to sack Brad Johnson on Saturday night? Heluva play!)


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Don't get me wrong ... I'm not saying I don't have concerns over the O line, but I am saying that we have yet to really see our offense running anything designed to minimize that potential (abandon not all hope smile.gif ) weakness.

Sonny was bemoaning the lack of quick, short passes and draws in the Cleveland game, and suggesting that they were the key to dealing with the defenses and O line problems we've seen. Bingo. I think that's precisely what we're going to see the Skins do once they start scheming the offense in games that count.

If WE can see the problems associated with the O line, I'm pretty sure Marty and Jimmy Raye can see them as well. I have to believe they are burning the midnight oil cooking up a game plan to cover their arses (not to mention Jeff George's) come opening day.

'Least I sure as hell hope so.

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Good analysis of the unveiling (or not) of our WCO. I'm sure they'll do better when the real season gets underway.

It bothers me, though, that Cleveland was so effective regardless of what we were running. If we can't contain the defensive front of the Browns (who were minus Courtney Brown), I can only imagine what sort of afternoon the Giants' front would have.

Here we are at the final preseason game and we're going to start an undrafted rookie at RG (David Brandt). Either he's really, really impressive or we're becoming desparate. I hope it's the former.

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I will say I have concerns ont he Line. Not at the tackle position, but it seems we can set on guards which is disrupting cohesiveness that ever so important.

I think Marty has held back the offensive playbook as well as defensive schemes. Why show it now?


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Om -- You hit it!

During George's quarter, only 1 or 2 even looked like standard WCO (okay, you do go deep on occasion but not every play unless your installing Az version of the WCO).

He paused on 5 or 7 then actioned. Did anybody notice if our guys were covered in the mid-range?

The only thing that made me think of a WCO during Banks were the draws and the fullback leads plus one or two of the screens and the pass to Lockett.

I believe our running game will look similar to Denver's (leads, traps and draws).


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Om, I think your on the right track in your thinking. In this pre-season, I have seen very little of the Pro offense I am used to seeing the Chiefs run. Very little will be shown on Thursday also.

However, I think we all saw, or in my case heard, Banks run a little of the O we'll be seeing in the regular season. Banks being on a roll, allows Raye to throw a few plays out to see how it looks. You always judge the 'temp' of the Offense when you call plays. Our O was getting warm with Banks and so in turn, Raye and Marty let a few situation specific plays out instead of the normal base plays we have run all pre-season long. I am pretty sure that is why the media is all amped about a QB controversy. Banks looked to be more explosive. Alot of that has to do with what he was given to run on the field.

Marty also knows the Chargers will have a damn good idea on alot of our players from Norv. So, he has to keep that in mind while pushing his players to perform and putting them in positions to earn a spot on the team.

Also gang, lets not forget, one of our hopefuls for HC was on the Browns team and I bet he let it be known what were some of the weaknesses of players on the field. It sure did make the Browns look pretty darn good in that game. Lets don't underestimate what knowledge he and Norv were able to give to the players before we suit up.


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Originally posted by Om:

My point is that by the end of the 1st quarter in the opener, we'll have seen the offense as it is designed to run.

Good post. The above may not be the case because of how little time George has had to work with the offense and the receivers in game situations this training camp. Sure, they'll run the WCO, but it will look a little less like it because in my view you'll see a very healthy dose of Stephen Davis, especially early on.

With timing questions in the passing game, and a game of musical O-linemen that may be ongoing still on 9/9, it'll be better to keep everything simple to start off. Linemen invevitably find it easier to hit in run blocking schemes than to be hit while pass blocking.

San Diego's defense, particularly its run defense, is solid. However, its offense is in shambles right now, especially with an O-line riddled with injuries. I believe a recent report had one starting O-lineman (on an already poor line - Ed Ellis is the starting RT) healthy and playing. Their receivers are sub-par (unless you travel back in time to the 1994 Chicago Bears, when they were only average), and their stud, 1st round RB, only reported to camp in the last week. The point is, it'll be hard for us to play ourselves out of this game by being too conservative on offense.

I think during the course of this game, which will likely be low scoring, you'll see the coaches steadily open up the offense and by the end of the game you'll see a more recognizeable WCO.


"Loosen up, Sandy baby. You're just too damn tight!" - John Riggins to Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O'Connor

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