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What's wrong with this team?


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What's wrong with the Redskins? A lot. Most of it has been covered thoroughly enough here. The better question is: How bad is it? That one is not so easy to answer.

Consider everything that is new: Coaching staff, offensive and defensive schemes, QB, Wrs, O-line, D-line, LBs. So, is a 5-7 start REALLY that bad? I'm not so sure. Is the whole thing a bust or will things click once we have some continuity and the schemes begin to "click" with the players? Hopefully the latter, but only time will tell.

Overall, I'm not convinced we're in terrible shape for the future here. It will be nice to head into a new season with the same systems we finished the last one with. That's a start to a better season.

The thing that disturbs me most, especially in Cowboy games, is the lack of intensity. The lack of "team." Seeing Jeff George being dragged around on the field. Seeing DW being rammed out of bounds. Seeing Galloway stop at the 5 yd line and walk into the end zone like a showboat. All of these things should have put some fire into our guys and ... nothing. 15 years ago you wold have seen players rushing to fight. 15 yards be damned, you ain't doing that to OUR QB! You're not showing THIS team up like that! Today ... nothing.

As long as the Redskins accept being Dallas' b1tch they are going to lose games to them.

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I can foresee lots of scenarios where the Skins get WORSE, not better, next year. The defense may well return mostly intact, but most likely the scheme will change with the new coordinator, so we'll struggle there. Some people, who shall remain nameless, think any scheme change takes 5 regular season games to take root. That's dumb, but they certainly won't race out of the gate.

On offense, we're looking at wholesale changes. New interior OL, some new WRs, maybe a new RB, certainly changes at QB. Unless there's a major talent infusion, which seems unlikely, the best case scenario is that they go from laughably bad to merely mediocre.

I agree that the big problem with the Skins is not the talent on the roster, but the lack of heart displayed by the team. They're not mentally tough, and they're easily rattled. Compared to the Skins of old, they're a bunch of wusses. That's a terrible thing to say about your favorite team, but it's the number one thing holding them back.

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One definition of insanity is to continue doing the same thing but expecting different results.

If we keep thinking we can go out and get the most expensive F.A. and plug him and and 'voila!, instant playoff contender', we're bound to be disappointed.

If we keep blaming the low-$ guys like Terrell and Weurffel for the lack of performance of our alledged 'stars', we'll never get better.

If we keep making excuses for players who are paid better than players who will be going to the Pro Bowl, we'll get more excuses.

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