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Past, Present or Future?


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"Don't let yesterday use up too much of today." - Will Rogers

Seems like sound advice to me. We've exhaustively examined this team over the last five weeks or so....tearing apart every player, every coach, every scheme. Has this brought us any closer to understanding where we're headed?

Not really.

That's why we play the games.

And while I promise not to waste too much of today, here I am again....trying to sort it all out. So, pardon me, Mr. Rogers. Pardon me as I again look both to the past and to the future in an attempt to reconcile what is certainly a confused situation.

Last week I wrote something about the importance of getting back to basics...about how, as George Allen believed, defense and special teams were meant, primarily, to set up the offense on as short a field as possible. I, like many of you, moaned at the poor display of tackling in the Tampa Bay game.

"Some people try to find things in this game that don't exist, but football is only two things - blocking and tackling." - Vince Lombardi

And so, at times, it is. Against Carolina, we showed heart once again. We closed up the holes that were there just the week before....and we opened up the holes that Ladell Betts ran through on his way to 104 yards on the day. And finally, with the game on the line, it was a TACKLE on fourth down by Sean Taylor that sealed the game. Mr. Lombardi knew a thing or two, I'd say.

"Even if you're on the right track, you'll just get run over if you just sit there." - Will Rogers

Still, while the conservative, smash them in the mouth approach has shown promise, I pray that our fearless and ingenius leader, Mr. Gibbs, will not show himself to be satisfied. Our improbable run at the end of last year, while ultimately successful, did not showcase our offensive potential as the Redskin offenses of the '80's did in the same system. I'm not certain if the hiring of Al Saunders is the answer.....but I do hope that we continue to evolve and not just fall into the trap of three yards and a cloud of dust. Nor do I want to see us do what we did on our first series against Carolina...running two trick plays out of three. None of which were successful. Somewhere in here is a middleground. Somewhere in here is a place where we can run a power attack, dictate the flow of the game and still take advantage of the oh-so-obvious talents of our new quarterback and fleet receivers.

No matter how much at times I wish to...I can't find it in myself to criticize the Redskins and their owner for the way in which they judge players' talent (or lack thereof), nor am I prepared to give up on the way they accumulate said talent...at least not until the verdict is finally in. I'm not sure that what they're doing is working just yet...but neither am I sure that it's not. It certainly goes against the grain...but is that necessarily bad? I, for one, like against the grain....both on the field and off. I think it's necessary, at times, to think outside the box to gain the advantage.

"When you're finished changing, you're finished." - Ben Franklin

I like that this team takes chances...I like that we try new things....I like that we are not afraid to fail along the way in our effort to succeed.

"I don't know the key to success, but the key to failure is trying to please everyone." - Bill Cosby

Let's not worry about the power polls....let's not tarry with Peter King's, ESPN's, Fox's or any other sports media personality's opinions....let's take care of our own and move forward. Let's create a NEW Redskins scheme.....one that takes from the past and goes one more.

I'm as frustrated as anyone about this season so far....but I'm not going to wallow in it. I'm looking forward.....and I like what I see. I'll go along for the ride, because that's what I do. That's what any true Redskin fan would do. The future may not be now.....but, you know what?

It's gonna be freaking great.


"Things turn out best for the people who make the best of the way things turn out." - John Wooden

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Nice post Loyalskinsfan, I like the quotes. (how Kramer didn't make the list of relevant quotes is beyond me :D )

I've always been one for non-conformity and "going against the grain". Heck, it's crazy but I swear I meet more Dallas fans then redskins fans in the DC area. Whats the deal with that? How is it that in the Nations Capitol everyone is a friggin Cowgirl fan, never even been to Dallas or seen pictures of TX, and your screaming for that boring, non creative star.:dallasuck

Anyways, I'm here for the "extreme" long run. Bleeding Burgundy and Gold till the day that I die. I wish there were more people who stayed loyal to ONE friggin team and not bandwagon on the new "hot" team. But then again, Im glad so many people are fair weather fans, kinda makes you special if you're die hard these days.


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