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Redskins Live Re-Broadcast....Did anyone notice?......


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I apologize if someone already commented on this but I did not see a prior thread....anyway, did anyone notice during the re-broadcast of Redskins Live, that the absolutely positively much needed question that czabe fired off at Brunell was edited out?? My question is this..........WHY Comcast??? Why on earth would that question be edited out and not shown to the fans like me who watch Redskins Live after every game and more than likely late at night after I get home from work because I missed some of it?? That absolutely blew me away last night and that is exactly what is wrong with the Redskins. I am coming up with possible reasons why that segment was edited out....could it be that Brunell ran to Gibbs and Snyder and told them that Czabe just made him look bad on live tv by asking him a question that us the fans would like to know and the Skins higher up called and bashed comcast??....could it be that Brunell's agent was called by Brunell, who then in turn contacted comcast and bashed them for shining light on a situation that was intended to find out if Brunell has any "core Redskin" in him, suggesting that maybe Brunell be a stand up guy and merely suggest to Gibbs that maybe Campbell should take over?.....could it possibly be that Gibbs himself contacted comcast and demanded that his 43 million baby ought never be held accountable on live tv, even though the fans who are starving for answers from the head brass can just sit in the dark and wonder what on earth is going on behind closed doors??...or could it be that comcast is just as deceptive as the Redskins front office themselves while they continue to kiss and coddle the backside of an organization that continues to give us, the fans, a major shafting with all of their ridiculous and purely irresponsible crap that they hand down every single week?? For crying out loud Redskins fans.....see this organization for what it is.....I am a fan of the Redskins...always have been...always will be......it is the method of operation that has invaded this team ever since Snyder came to town that I have come to absolutely despise and once again I am still shocked and dumbfounded that Gibbs has let this pathetic circus keep rolling while at the same time continue to plummet us into nfl oblivion. I don't hate any of the players. I don't hate Gibbs. I don't hate Brunell. What I hate and quite frankly what has made me sad is that greed and the lust for it has turned this very proud franchise, not to mention my favorite sports team into a shell of what it used to be. Dan Snyder....you need to go......... :logo:

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