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Notes from the game


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Most are saying it was a lucky win based on a fluke play. It is a play that teams practice everyday...the Cowboys failed to block the rusher and it got blocked. From the Sean picked it up and began to ran and got face masked (a sign of being undisciplined). He finally gets tackled and we win.

They also say we were lucky that TO missed the bomb...lucky know, fortunate yes.

They were lucky we could not pound in a one yard try in four attempts. Why were we running outside at all. It should be four up the middle in a row. Try the QB. Don't get fancy from one yard. Where was TJ? Glad we made that trade.

Referees were missing quite a few holding calls on the Cowboys. The one that is glaring is Griffin up the middle being turned sideways by Gurode who has one arm fully extended across the front and grabbing pads.

It was an ugly win that we outplayed the Cowboys.

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