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2 Tix and Green Parking Pass for Carolina Game


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Good news for me - my company decided to shutdown for the week in between Christmas and New Year's and I get an unexpected vacation.

Bad news for me - that means I have to use my remaining vacation time for that week, and I now have no time left...so I can't take the Monday off after the Carolina game (I travel from CT to the games).

Good news for you - 2 tickets in section 410 and row 10 with a green parking pass are up for grabs. Face value is all I ask - $170 includes shipping.

PM me if interested.


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Stupid....definitely :)

I'm actually considering NOT renewing my season tickets next year. I've had fun for the last 7 years, but it gets expensive with gas, food and hotels in addition to the tickets.

...and with 2 kids needing braces and 3 kids to put through college...well, I think I need to realign my priorities.

It's killin' me since I sat on the wait list for 15 years, but ya gotta do what ya gotta do...

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