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Please Get A Gm

Mr. Blitz

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I have been begging for years for this team to hire a credible GM. Look at the talent we have let go....and what we have picked up. I remember when Joe Gibbs came back and John Riggins was interviewed to get his thoughts on the Redskins under Gibbs. Quote " Joe Gibbs is a great coach....however...he does not have a good record on judging talent". He stated when Bobby Beathard made the decisions about personnel the guy produced...when Gibbs made the call (Desmond Howard for 2 number 1s)...just couldn't judge talent. Look at the other "elite" teams in the NFL. This being head coach and GM doesn't work too well. Hey...Archuletta, Lloyd, Carter????? Need I say more. Coach Gibbs is a great head coach...but you can't make chicken salad out of chicken sh*t.

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