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Where's the "Heart" on our team??


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Well, i usually dont post new topics unless something is really bothering me. I understand we are all pretty damn frustrated after another loss today and the board is filled with alot of negativity...most of which is deserved.

I know there are tons of questions about our coaches, players, schemes, execution, etc. We are obviously outmatched in the secondary and inconsistent in the trenches on both sides of the ball. however, that is NOT what bothers me the most as a fan.

Many of the players this year are not showing any HEART or INTENSITY when they are on the field. Players that do show heart would be Taylor, Washington, Portis, Moss, and ARE. The guys bring energy to the field and dont simply "go through the motions."

First off, i really hate when the team loses but more importantly, i hate HOW we are losing. Last year, you could see that the players were leaving everything on the field and played their hearts out. They were feeding off each other (especially on Defense) and i really believe alot of our success was due to that characteristic/energy.

I know its hard to judge who's playing with intensity simply by watching the games but it seems pretty obvious this season. Brunell always smiling on the sidelines (regardless of the score). The defense looks stale when they are on the field, almost scared. The only energy in the huddle usually comes with M. Washington smacking people around. Other than that, just seems like our D is playing on it's heels the entire game. The only time they get fired up is when the other team is at our goal line....by then it's too damn late.

I am disappointed in the team so far and it's obvious that changes need to be made. However, my main concern is with the heart, character, and intensity, and leadership on this team. I've been to all the home games this season and the only game i saw sustained intensity was during the Jacksonville game. Since then, it's been 1 good quarter or if we're lucky, one good half.

I really think that our lack of leadership in the locker room and on the field is hurting us. Obviously, the free agent signings didnt help carry over the cohesion from last year. It just bothers me big time when I'm watching the game and all i can think is "SHOW SOME HEART" or "GET FIRED UP." I just had to post here and get this off my chest. I talk to my wife about it but she just doesnt get WHY i'm so upset.

Thanks for reading and letting me vent!



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