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Meaning of the term "REDSKIN FAN"


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I think that this is my first post maybe 2nd time. I just sit back at read what other

“REDSKIN FANS” have to say and enjoy reading their take on “our team”. I have been a “REDSKIN FAN” since before I can remember football. I was born and raised in South East Washington D.C. and have fond memories of watching the Redskins play even then when they did not win very often. Then came the good years with Joe Gibbs while I was in the Army during the 80’s and 90’s. Followed by the last 15 years of watching us search for a way to bring “IT” back. Then Gibbs came back and hope was back with him. It looked like last year “our team” had turned the corner and things would continue to get better. We looked forward to this year being “THE YEAR” I know that this year has so far been a disappointment and I have been as frustrated and disappointed by “our team” as anyone. However one thing I can say with pride is “I am a ”FAN” of the Washington Redskins and I will not run or hide from any adversity when they are losing and trying to find a why to win! I ware my teams’ jerseys and hats and I drive a car with the Burgundy and Gold showing proudly!! As every one knows “Our Team” is going through a very rough time right now. We are at 2-5 and looking at a very tough road ahead. Guess what “REDSKIN FANS”, every player on “our team” is as disappointed as the fans. I know a lot of you are tired of hearing that all of the players on “our team” are playing their “guts out”. Now you can think of all the phrases that coach Gibbs says after every game “playing their guts out” “all of us together” “super smart” “working our way out of this” and several more that escape me at the present. But one thing you must know is Gibbs speaks from his heart. The bottom line ““REDSKIN FANS” is this team wants to win and is trying to win from the coaches, players, front office and the owner. They are looking for ways to turn this around. I for one will do what I have always done “I will support my team!!! I can cry or get mad when they lose and I will rejoice when they win but I will never stop supporting “MY TEAM, THE WASHINGTON REDSKINS” I have read and I have heard remarks degrading this team, the players, the coaches, and the owner. One thing that I think is lost in all of this is “FOOTBALL IS A GAME”!!!!! A game people!!! We enjoy it mostly because “ON ANYGIVEN SUNDAY” anyone can win. If you want a winning team every week do like a lot of people I know, buy a jersey of every team and on Monday wear the team the won!!! However don’t call yourself a “REDSKIN FAN”. True “REDSKIN FANS” support “our team and “our team” only, win or lose! If you want to be a fan of “the game” cheer for every team, but if you want to be a true “REDSKIN FAN” support and be proud of them not matter what!!! One last thing I want to say is at the end of every day two facts will always remain “DALLAS WILL ALWAYS SUCK AND T.O. WILL ALWAYS BE A JERK!!! HAIL REDSKINS!!!!!!!!

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Tough Times For Sure But We Have Been Here Before.

And we'll be here again, until the owner stops treating this team like it's his own set of Fischer-Price Action Figures and cedes real control to a personnel guy.

And if that means that Gibbs goes to greener pastures......then so be it.

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I think that this is my first post maybe 2nd time. I just sit back at read what other

“REDSKIN FANS” have to say and enjoy reading their take on “our team”. I have been a “REDSKIN FAN” since before I can remember football. I was born and raised in South East Washington D.C. and have fond memories of watching the Redskins play even then when they did not win very often. Then came the good years with Joe Gibbs while I was in the Army during the 80’s and 90’s. Followed by the last 15 years of watching us search for a way to bring “IT” back. Then Gibbs came back and hope was back with him. It looked like last year “our team” had turned the corner and things would continue to get better. We looked forward to this year being “THE YEAR” I know that this year has so far been a disappointment and I have been as frustrated and disappointed by “our team” as anyone. However one thing I can say with pride is “I am a ”FAN” of the Washington Redskins and I will not run or hide from any adversity when they are losing and trying to find a why to win! I ware my teams’ jerseys and hats and I drive a car with the Burgundy and Gold showing proudly!! As every one knows “Our Team” is going through a very rough time right now. We are at 2-5 and looking at a very tough road ahead. Guess what “REDSKIN FANS”, every player on “our team” is as disappointed as the fans. I know a lot of you are tired of hearing that all of the players on “our team” are playing their “guts out”. Now you can think of all the phrases that coach Gibbs says after every game “playing their guts out” “all of us together” “super smart” “working our way out of this” and several more that escape me at the present. But one thing you must know is Gibbs speaks from his heart. The bottom line ““REDSKIN FANS” is this team wants to win and is trying to win from the coaches, players, front office and the owner. They are looking for ways to turn this around. I for one will do what I have always done “I will support my team!!! I can cry or get mad when they lose and I will rejoice when they win but I will never stop supporting “MY TEAM, THE WASHINGTON REDSKINS” I have read and I have heard remarks degrading this team, the players, the coaches, and the owner. One thing that I think is lost in all of this is “FOOTBALL IS A GAME”!!!!! A game people!!! We enjoy it mostly because “ON ANYGIVEN SUNDAY” anyone can win. If you want a winning team every week do like a lot of people I know, buy a jersey of every team and on Monday wear the team the won!!! However don’t call yourself a “REDSKIN FAN”. True “REDSKIN FANS” support “our team and “our team” only, win or lose! If you want to be a fan of “the game” cheer for every team, but if you want to be a true “REDSKIN FAN” support and be proud of them not matter what!!! One last thing I want to say is at the end of every day two facts will always remain “DALLAS WILL ALWAYS SUCK AND T.O. WILL ALWAYS BE A JERK!!! HAIL REDSKINS!!!!!!!!

Noun: paragraph

1. One of several distinct subdivisions of a text intended to separate ideas; the beginning is usually marked by a new indented line.

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