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Salavea and Griffin-have to play


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The Redskins staff rolled the dice thinking they could get by against the Titans without their two run stuffers and lost.

Bottom line-no matter what happened with the offense and special teams last Sunday-the Redskins would have won the game had both those guys played hurt.Salavea played on one foot most of the regular season last year-you mean to tell me this calf thing is worse?Those two guys have to play -even at less than 100% they're better than the two rookies right now.With as bad as the back seven are playing in every aspect on defense-at least get a standoff in the trenches.Gonna get blown off the ball with the two rookies in there.It's desperation time now-Skins staff has to stop ****footing with the injuries-besides they have a bye week coming up.I suspect the two DT's are willing to suck it up and play hurt.They were needed last week-right now this defense is awful with no margin for error.

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Youre out of your mind. You dont play these guys hurt in hopes to help win one game and risk losing them for several more games.

Not only that, Saleve'a doesnt have that big of a presence on our defense, I dont care what all you homers say. Golston can and will take big Joes job by the end of the season.

Our whole team is stinkin it up right now and VS. the Titans those two guys would not have made a difference in the outcome.

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