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Hello All, Im new here.......

Uno Mas

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..and just wanted to introduce myself. Ive been a huge skins fan for life and each and every year I hold on to the hope that 'this is our year'. Especially since the return of Gibbs. So far this year, Im not sure what to think. Thats not to say that I dont have my opinions, because I certainly do, just as all EXTREMESKINS do. So instead of coming out of the gate screaming and in flames, I will take a look around and read all of your opinions. But I will say this, in my opinion, the Giants loss has to be put on the coaching staff, 100%. We were lucky to be 'in the game' as long as we were but the playcalling by our coaching staff kept our playmakers from doing what they do, make plays. This is my opinion, Im sure you'll hear more of it soon. Thanks for having me EXTREMESKINS. HAIL

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