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:obvious: The secondary, believe it or not the poor play of the secondary is hurting everybody. Offense and defense.

By them extending drives and allowing big plays keeps our offense off the field and messes up the game plan if we get in a hole. Everybody knows if we can run we win, but we're not gonna run down 2 scores in the 4th.

Can they even cover long enough to get a coverage sack? And even if the Pass rush forces a throw can the secondary be in position to make a play?


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Yes! The secondary is not playing well. The sooner the Skins fix that ...the better they will be. It's time to trade to fix the problem. Mike Rumph is a poor CB, and has allowed numerous big plays ...as has Carlos Rogers. Adam is not as good as advertised.

We need to be able to put pressure on the QB thru blitzes, and pass rushes. Smack the RB into yesterday .... Unfortunately, because of the poor secondary that can't be done! The need for a shut down CB is most pressing!

But, having said that! We need better prodution from the QB position. Mark needs to be able to keep drives alive. Not lock in on just one receiver - Chris in one game, and Santana in another ... Ball distribution is key! Keep everyone involved, and the opposition on their heels!:notworthy

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I agree 100% with the original post. Our secondary play is horrendous. Everytime the ball is thrown deep, i cant breathe b/c i know it's going to be completed for a big gain. EVERYTHING is effected by our poor DB play. Williams will only rush 4 b/c he wants "more help" for the corners. Therefore, we wont get many sacks (even coverage sacks) b/c we arent bringing the #'s.

Archuleta and Taylor are great but they are not cover guys. Taylor just looks out of place and lost in one on one coverage. I think he's one of the hardest hitting safeties in the league but let's be honest, he can't cover very well. Archuleta is great at stopping the run and making tackles but again, coverage is sub par.

Rogers is a decent corner and i think he will prove to get better over time. There seems to be a lack (or breakdown) of communication in our secondary. I'm sure it's b/c of the new faces (Rumph, Archuleta, Wright), but it's been a serious problem for all 5 games. Our guys are in place but they are taking BAD ANGLES. When a pass is completed on the sideline, they all look around as if to say "who was covering that guy?" We really need more LEADERSHIP back there. Taylor is awesome but i dont think he's very vocal or demanding of the OTHER players. He gets himself fired up but i never see him talking to anyone else.

Springs was def the leader back there and i think his return (whenever that will be) will give more focus to our secondary. Right now, the guys are just running around with no guidance, communication, or confidence in each other. While our D-Line is doing the best they can with 4 guys up front, they need the secondary to straighten out so Williams can bring more pressure.

I think we have the talent back there....they just arent working as ONE UNIT.

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