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Time for a QB change.


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If i could blow up on some redskins players without this thread being deleted i would, but ill be a little nicer and say: Its time for a qb change. I said this i think last year and im going to say this again. Hes over paid and hes getting old now. Also the skins didn't waste a draft pick for a guy thats gona be benched for another 2 years. Brunnell never throws deep and i seen this happen last year, he throws interceptions in the redzone. And whenver its 3rd down this guy throws the ball for like 2 yards. I don't know what hes thinking but he better start bombing some passes or skin fans are gona go crazy. Theres 2 things that the skins can do and thats to either start a new qb or you can start getting tall receivers so that brunnell could just chalk the ball so that he'll have confidence in his receivers. Jason Campbell should start soon though because i don't think the 2nd option we'll happen. Brunnell is also really dependent on the defense to do everything so he plays really conservitive. Throwing only short yard passes and if it is a long yard pass its not usually cuz he bombs it but because players like moss turn a 4 yard play into a 25 yard play. Its sad watching the redskins play because there defense is really good but when it comes to offense there worse than the 49ers and the Houston Texans. I think Dan Snyder should listen to Al Michaels and John Maddens comment carefully. Too many overpaid old people in the staff and team together. Its a disgrace to the team that they have a high payroll but they get an offense from a team that is equivalent to a college team. Maybe Louiseville have a better offense than the skins. My point is that i think there should be a qb change and i think us fans should sign a petition or something so that the skins staff know that its time for the skins to change qbs. I dont care if its todd collins or jason campbell but anything better than a boring offense that gets nothing done and laughs about it during a press conference.

But for now the skins are done and they have no chance for the playoffs. There schedule ahead looks tougher than the teams they have played now and looks like there going nowhere.

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