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Take it from our common enemy, you're done.


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Here's a quote from Troy Acheman, what its like to visit the vet. He and the Cowboys have been our common enemy, but right now, its you fans and the deadskins.

"I had a lot of problems playing at the Vet. I've said this many times, the Eagles were the most difficult team I faced, year in and year out, over the 12 years of my career.

"We had a pretty good following wherever we went and we had that in New York and Washington. It was different in Philadelphia. It's a different type of fan here. The other places are difficult as well, but here the fans are real blue-collar and tough. I enjoyed the fans' passion for the game. There were a lot of places we played where I would say the teams did not enjoy the home-field advantage. Here, there was and is a definite home-field advantage.

"And no matter who the head coach was or the defensive coordinator was, they always knocked the crap out of the quarterback, who just happened to be me. I always knew I was going to be in for a long day against the Eagles."

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I agree with you all, I AM SO DAMN IGNORANT I JUST WISH I COULD ACTUALLY UNDERSTAND WHAT YOU GUYS WRITE HERE. I was worried about Graham's experience and knowledge of the game, and hiw ability to play smart, and limit his mistakes BECAUSE THAT WAS WHAT SOMEONE ELSE WROTE ON THE EAGLES BOARD. So, now I think I will go to the Pokemon board and see if I track down that Peekacho card I've been looking for...

Go Eagles!!!!!! Down with the haters!!!!

[edited.gif by Blade on November 23, 2001.]

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RedskinsHQ, why thank you, finally a nice person on this MB, finally someone who will only talk football, and be perfect. The field is fine, just really slippery, but Acheman was also talking about the pain, the hits that he could remember, you know the ones that will probably put Banks in the hospital this weekend. frerotte.gif <---Banks hitting his head against eagles D.

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Meanwhile, it was Lavar that ended Aikman's career, on a perfectly clean hit.

As far as the Vet, one of my friends who lives in Philly and is a rabid Eagles fan, admits being hugely embarassed about the Vet, and is always commenting on its poor construction and dangerous field, even the new one. The only thing I've seen from the new field is the clips of the Ravens refusing to play on it in the summer. I hope it's improved since then.

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Dummy...it wasn't the feild the Ravens cried about...tehy were crying about the dirt under the parts of the field tyhat cover 2nd base and ?????? was uneven.....like they havn;t played on uneven ground before....give me a ******* break, that really pissed me off.


There is no I in team, but there is an M-E

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You Eagle people are a bunch of nobs. Is it a prerequisite to max out at 6th grade in order to be an Eagles fan?

I really hope the Skins do win just so you punks will feel even more stupid than you actually are, if that's possible.

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Dummy...it wasn't the feild the Ravens cried about...tehy were crying about the dirt under the parts of the field tyhat cover 2nd base and ?????? was uneven.....like they havn;t played on uneven ground before....give me a ******* break, that really pissed me off.

I find it amusing that you think you have the right to insult anybody's intelligence, especially given the drivel you just wrote. Not the field? WTF are you talking about man? "The field is fine, there are just gaping holes under the carpet every five feet". You shouldnt be pissed off, you should be upset that your team plays in the worst stadium in the league. It's not a fact to debate, it just is. It's JUST THAT SIMPLE. Hopefully in a few years you'll be out of that deathtrap, but right now, you have a horrible, dirty, nasty, unsafe stadium to play games in. And no, it's not because of the fans.

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