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Non-Playa-Hatin' Article on SS

Carlito Sway

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OK, a little late and a few too many. <br /><br />Forgot to include the requisite link - hopefully some web-savvy 'Skin fan can clean this up for me . . . <br /><br /><a href="http://www.sportingnews.com/voices/randy_cross/20020321.html" target="_blank">www.sportingnews.com/voices/randy_cross/20020321.html</a><br /><br />Sorry guys! <img border="0" alt="[doh]" title="" src="graemlins/doh.gif" />

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It's all good smoot,<br /><br />Now that's two articles in one day praising Spurrier. I am starting to worry now. There is another thread on this board with a Peter King article link.<br /><br />On another article on that page, I wonder what Cris Carter is thinking about right now. Obviously, he was in it for the money(which of course, who can blame him). However seriously messed up his shot at going to the big game by standing the Rams up. <img border="0" alt="[dunce]" title="" src="graemlins/dunce.gif" />

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EXACTLY OM!!!!!!!<br /><br />Considering how much the rest of the article is bullcrap, I don't take much comfort in having him in "our camp". Randy Cross is one of the biggest idiots in football, he's just one of the many who will flip flop and jump on the bandwagon this year.

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