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Grandma's Boy & The Ringer


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I bought Grandma's Boy the other day when I had a tooth pulled and I needed something to watch when I was laid up. It's about a 36 year old video game tester (pot head) that gets evicted from his apartment and has to stay with his Grandmother. Quite possibly the funniest movie I have seen in a long time. I am not one to rave about a movie because when a person hears the hype they watch the movie and are disappointed. This is one of those movies that can be hyped and still be hilarious. It has a good story line and the "Happy Madison" actors are at their best! I recommend this movie for anyone over 18 (heavy drug use, nudity, language) who love comedies.

I also bought The Ringer. Johnny Knoxville acts mentally challenged to rig the Special Olympics. This movie is actually a good wholesome Dram-edy. Great story with really good actors (Knoxville, Rip Torn & all of the mentally challenged actors). This moovie has it's hilarious parts and also those times that are funny, but you feel like you will go to hell if you laugh. I recommend this movie to anyone. Ther may be some language, but the overall message of the movie is appropriate for all ages!

If you have seen these movies post your reviews here, because I am wondering what others thought aboout these movies.

If you haven't seen these movies, would you watch them now?

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I started a thread a week ago on The Ringer. I thought it was hilarious. And yes, I agree, once you get over the "If I laugh, I'm going to hell bit", you'll really start to enjoy this flick.

There were a few moments in there when I thought I was going to pee myself. Funny, funny stuff.

Loved the part when they come back from sneaking out and the one tard says "When the F did we get Ice cream". I almost soiled myself.

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i've seen both.

grandma's boy was good. it's one of those movies you need to watch with some friends when you're not in the mood to follow something with a plot. it's so insanely stupid that you can't help but laugh your ass off.

"yeah, but it's a sweet car!"

the ringer was disappointing. the only really funny part of the movie is when one of the retarded kids makes the crack about the ice cream. yes, i said "retarded"... get over it.

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I started a thread a week ago on The Ringer. I thought it was hilarious. And yes, I agree, once you get over the "If I laugh, I'm going to hell bit", you'll really start to enjoy this flick.

There were a few moments in there when I thought I was going to pee myself. Funny, funny stuff.

Loved the part when they come back from sneaking out and the one tard says "When the F did we get Ice cream". I almost soiled myself.

That was by far the funniest part of the movie! It was completely random and I think the fact that the special kid used the F bomb.

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I thought both of them we're pretty funny. Decent storylines with some pretty funny characters.

The matrix guy in Grandma's Boy giving those guys the "robot machine gun middle finger" was freaking classic.

That character is funny as hell. Especially in the outtakes! "Iloved you in Scooby Doo, Vilma. Vilma........Vil..ma!"

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