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"How the World Really Works."


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This webpage has an overview of various fascinating books, such as "THE CREATURE FROM JEKYLL ISLAND," and recount a history of the United States that many in this nation do not know. This is especially in regards to organizations that are movers and shakers, financially and internationally, who are operating "behind the scenes."


Also, this article written by F. William Engdahl, linked from an article that I have previously posted, which discusses the role of the U.S. dollar, the Middle East, and Oil. It also discusses the influence and purpose that the 70's Oil Crisis played in *improving* the strength of the dollar, deficit spending, and the purpose of the military as being the "gold standard" for the dollar:


You may read further material from this write via his website:


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This webpage has an overview of various fascinating books, such as "THE CREATURE FROM JEKYLL ISLAND," and recount a history of the United States that many in this nation do not know. This is especially in regards to organizations that are movers and shakers, financially and internationally, who are operating "behind the scenes."


Also, this article written by F. William Engdahl, linked from an article that I have previously posted, which discusses the role of the U.S. dollar, the Middle East, and Oil. It also discusses the influence and purpose that the 70's Oil Crisis played in *improving* the strength of the dollar, deficit spending, and the purpose of the military as being the "gold standard" for the dollar:


You may read further material from this write via his website:


If you like that stuff, then you will like "Rule By Secrecy" a book by Jim Marrs. I have never been the same since I read it.

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I'll take a look at that book - the Amazon.com review appeared interesting.

Are you familiar with Carroll Quigley, who influenced such inviduals as Bill Clinton, and who cited Quigley as an influence? Quigley was part of the Establishment or the Power Elite, and not only did he have access to documents of this power order (or New World Order as some would call them), but he was actually seemingly, at times, proud of its achievements. If there is any doubt if there is an Elite power group that runs the show, then one should read about Carroll Quigley or his books. After all, this man was intimate with the innerworkings of such organizations.

"There does exist, and has existed for a generation, an international Anglophile network which operates, to some extent, in the way the radical Right believes the Communists act. In fact, this network, which we may identify as the Round Table Groups, has no aversion to cooperating with the Communists, or any other groups, and frequently does so. I know of the operations of this network because I have studied it for twenty years and was permitted for two years, in the early 1960s, to examine its papers and secret records."

Probably Quigley's most famous book is "Tragedy and Hope," which discusses the historical perspective of power, and this power group came to be in existence. This isn't conspiracy - it is fact. When this book was first published, it was shutdown soon after its first publication. But it is now available for purchase.


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I wonder what they call this, beaurophobia or maybe illumaphobia

It is neither if it is based upon fact. Quigley was proud of the Elite's achievements - it was his feelings, at times, that such machinations has brought mankind to its greatest heights, even if the motivations were self-serving to the Power Elite. It is the natural order of the universe for a ruling class to develop - for good or bad. There is nothing conspiratal involved with that basis in reality.

Are you familiar with the Trilateral Commission?

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The more I read about Carroll Quigley, the more I am fascinated by the material that he wrote. This man was not a kook - he was part of the Establishment. He also seemed to have very intimate knowledge of the inner workings of the Establishment.

Some written quotes from Quigley:

"On this basis, which was originally financial and goes back to George Peabody, there grew up in the twentieth century a power structure between London and New York which penetrated deeply into university life, the press, and the practice of foreign policy. In England the center was the Round Table Group, while in the United States it was J.P. Morgan and Company or its local branches in Boston, Philadelphia, and Cleveland. Some rather incidental examples of the operations of this structure are very revealing, just because they are incidental. For example, it set up in Princeton a reasonable copy of the Round Table Group's chief Oxford headquarters, All Souls College. This copy, called the Institute for Advanced Study, and best known, perhaps, as the refuge of Einstein, Oppenheimer, John von Neumann, and George F. Kennan, was organized by Abraham Flexner of the Carnegie Foundation and Rockefeller's General Education Board after he had experienced the delights of All Souls while serving as Rhodes Memorial Lecturer at Oxford."

"It must be recognized that the power these energetic Left-wingers exercised was never their own power or Communist power but was ultimately the power of the international financial coterie, and once the anger and suspicions of the American people were arroused, as they were by 1950, it was a fairly simple matter to get rid of the Red sympathizers. Before this could be done, however, a congressional committee, following backward to their source the threads which led from admitted Communists like Whittaker Chambers, through Alger Hiss, and the Carnegie Endowment to Thomas Lamont, and the Morgan Bank, fell into the whole complicated network of the interlocking tax-exempt foundations. The Eighty-third Congress in July 1953 set up a Special Committee to Investigate Tax-Exempt Foundations with Representative B. Carroll Reece, of Tennessee, as chairman. It soon became clear that people of immense wealth would be unhappy if the investigation went too far and that the "most respected" newspapers in the country, closely allied with these men of wealth, would not get excited enough about any revelation to make the publicity worth while, in term of votes or campaign contributions. An interesting report showing Left-wing associations of the interlocking nexus of tax-exempt foundations was issued in 1954 rather quietly. Four years later, the Reece committee's general counsel, Rene A. Wormser, wrote a shocked, but not shocking, book on the subject called Foundations: Their Power and Influence."


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