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Proud as Hell to be a Skins Fan


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Hi all,

Let me start by saying "I am as proud as ever to be Redskins fan."!!!! No one gave us a chance in this game, much less this season. Coach Gibbs did in just two years what Schottenhimer, Turner and Spurrier couldn't do in all their years combined. We rose quickly to become a very good team, and next year, if this team stays together, an elite team. All we need is a few tweaks on offense, and I see a divsion win, and possibly a Super Bowl next year. These guys fought and fought all year with the odds against them, and they showed great pride and spirit to get to where they got. Granted, a few penalty calls were questionable at best, but they had to have played almost a flawless game to be victorious today. There was never any quit in my Skins and that my friends is a mark of a great team. We have the chemisty and the will, and that will serve us well next season. So, I'm already looking forward to next year and the drive to the SB. I'm walking around with my head held very high, and all Skins fans should do the same.

HTTR, now and forever!!

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