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Redskins draft


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I realize it's a bit early to start talking, or writing about the draft for that matter, but I feel compelled. Last year the Redskins made a trade with Denver for there first round pick and a lot of people questioned the move. A year later, (of course no one for saw them having the season there having) the move is looking excellent, considering there only losing a late first rounder and some change. Not only did they draft a quarterback of the future (we hope) they were able to groom him for a full season, (I'd say quite the head start). Lastly, with all the underclass men coming out the Redskins can fill needs in the later rounds anyway. Definitely an A+ to Gibbs and his staff!:logo: :applause:

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we should sign a free agent reciever. Then with our second round pick we should take eiter maurice stovall from Nore Dame or Jason Avant from Michigan. We should use the rest of our picks on corner, o-line and d-line depth.

2nd round is where the CB talent will be... theres a bunch of good corners coming out... not so many WRs

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