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Response From A Seattle Fan


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Read below: I think I made some good points not using strength of schedule (which the Skins have), or stats (which the Seahawks have). I swear, they cling to stats for dear life!

I am not going to disparage the seahawks, they are a fine team.

See, you already lied. You're going to beat us in our house?

So why are the Skins going to win ?

First, the Redskins are not a tired team. that is baloney. They will show up.

Why say this if you are not going to give any supporting evidence?

Throw all the stats aside. From watching the 2 teams there is no question the skins are the better defensive team, not just better schemes (i like Rhodes, he was a fine def coordinator for the Skins) but a better performing defense.

Define "performing" for me because we allowed LESS POINTS than your team did. A defenses job is to ALLOW LESS POINTS, is it not?

They tip balls and swarm the runner. They put the opponents ball on the carpet. They have the defensive MVP (uncelebrated, but not unappreciated by the opponents) in Marcus Washington.

Fine, but our D ALLOWED LESS POINTS even though we didn't play our starters in the equivalent of TWO FULL GAMES.

While on offense, the Skins are the bigger team on the offensive line, they outweigh the defense by 30 pounds per man.

While I understand your point, you do realize scheme is more important than size? But does it really matter? Do you truly expect your O to outscore our O in our house? We would have beaten you in your house but for TWO FG misses... and now you're coming into our house and claiming you're going to beat us traight up?

On pass protection that may not be that critical. But running the ball, it is a killer. If you add in a rainy field. it

becomes even more of a factor.

you think the rain helps YOUR team?? We have the BEST O line in the game!!!!! To go with the best RB!!! And the best FB!!! And the BEST QB in the NFC. (Damn, that hurts to say.... well, not really.)

They have one of the 3 greatest coaches in the history of the game. Gibbs has a phenomenal record over a career in d

December-January not because he has always had better players, but because his teams were always prepared, motivated and emotional.

Yes, we know, Holmgren hasn't been to two SBs...

The Skins have actually beaten the Seahawks this year

Yes. And look at the team's stats and record through that game and SINCE: 2 - 2 vs. 11 - 1.

Let's look at the Skins over the same period: 7 - 6. Plus a win vs. the Bucs that even *I* predicted. And I SUCK at specific game predictions.

sure the game is at a different venue, sure the seahawks have improved over the season, but the bottom line is that the first game was no fluke. The skins dominated in time of possession and moved the ball up and down the field. It should have been a comfortable victory but wasn't because the skins turned the ball over.

Up to now I was mostly playing with you. Now you've one and said something stupid. You seriously think facing the Seahawks minus their top two recievers is equal to facing them the team WITH them?

You seriously think BARELY beating us - OUR mistake, not your great play - means something???? Had you come into our house and we'd won by a FG after YOU missed two in regulation, no way in hell I'd be thumping my chest. Ask anyone here. I may not pick games, but over the years I've shown that I see the big picture better than most. Guess what? You are not in it.

And we haven't addressed the BS interference penalty that kept a scoring drive alive, either. I'm a bliever that the totality of a game is what it is, but you are trying to rationalize the past to support a future that doesn't exist. You NEED a scalping.

There is NO doubt in the Skins minds that they can beat Seattle because they know how to do so.

Spurious correlation: that they DID does not mean they now know how to. 14 weeks is a long time. If you had any objectivity at all you'd be saying the previous game MIGHT mean something, but probably not. Can you say NYG?

Conversely, if the Seahawks cannot put the Skins away early, doubt is going to creep in again and they will start getting tentative, especially if they turn the ball over or it is not bouncing their way.

Bwa-ha-ha-ha-ha!!! If it hasn't been happening, why would it now? Pabo!!!!

Then there is the Sean factor.. Taylor, despite his thuggish and juvenile behavior, is becoming a defensive force. He scored a defensive td in both the last 2 games and has effected the passing games of every team the skins have played over the past quarter of the season. Receivers alter their routes or pull off of catchable balls. I expect him to have a desire to redeem himself this week. He will be a factor all game long.

Mayve, maybe not. What I CAN gurantee is that your total team is less than ou TOTAL team... and your team will be on vacation come Sunday.

LOFA!!!! Tru!!! DARBY!!! Etc.

I expect a tough, fairly low scoring affair. might go down to the wire or into overtime once again..

I did, but all you WNAs convinced me otherwise by giving me reason to actually think about the game with your outrageous posts here. I will be surprised now if they don't cover the spread. Two blowouts already... one more coming Saturday.

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