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faith in my skins'


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My family has been redskin fans since before i was born. My grandfather was a diehard redskin fan his whole life that he knew the nfl. The redskins were able to make him happy and he was able to see them at their best. im 21 and he has passed on the genes of diehard redskin fanism? on to me and my ENTIRE FAMILY. we are from NEWPORT NEWS,Va. Where michael vick is from. but you barely see any vick fans, because everyone loves the skins. And im so glad tosee them doin something because i have had faith in the redskins for as long as i can remember. i could always pick myself off the ground(cus trust me the redskins have let me down more times then i have been pleased with them) and i said well we have next year. and now this year is our year, i have faitch we are a good enough team,a hungry enough team, to go all the damn way. and i just hope that if the skins dont do so good next year. i still see all of you on here still rooting the skins on. cus there isnt anything that pisses me off more then a fairweather fan(other then a cowboys fan) haha i mean losing ot the rams was just the seal of my day. We deserve this one fellas, rejoice,relax,and focus. We are hungry and we want it. NOW GO GET IT..26-89-47-46-8-21-56-24:logo: :logo: :logo: :helmet: :helmet: :helmet: :point2sky :helmet: :helmet: :helmet: :logo: :logo: :logo:

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