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Doering and Thompson to move into the starting lineup...


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Redskins coach Steve Spurrier chided a reporter a week ago for writing who the Redskins' starting receivers are. Spurrier's contention: I don't even know who the starting receivers are, how can you? Now we know why.

For most of the past three months Rod Gardner, Jacquez Green and Kevin Lockett worked with the first unit. But two of those might not end up as a starter. And Green appears to be fading in the coach's eye.

We hear that Reidel Anthony is out and that Green is on shaky ground based on his performance the past few weeks. We're not sure how much trouble Green is actually in, but we know that he must play better if he wants to not only make the roster but start.

Derrius Thompson and Chris Doering have moved ahead of him, at least for this week. Thompson will start and Doering will be the No. 3 receiver, which might as well be a starter under Spurrier.

Green has the most speed at receiver and is comfortable in this offense. But he hasn't made the big plays Spurrier wants to see. Green would be a valuable player to stretch the defense. And he still might be. But it's not the given everyone thinks it is.

As for Anthony, he has consistently been behind at least five other receivers. The only way he makes the team is if Washington keeps seven wideouts and that's highly unlikely. Even then he might be in trouble.

Anthony has dropped too many passes while Doering, Thompson and Darnerien McCants have shown more potential. Rod Gardner played much better against Pittsburgh.

In the end, we think Green will make the team. But his roster spot will be tougher to earn than we would have thought a month ago.

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I don't buy that Green has slipped in the coach's mind. He's been injured with a rib contusion, and so we've used the opportunity to see other people in the lineup. If he doesn't recover, then it's a problem. But for now, he's fine.

As far as the bigger picture goes, I still am of the belief that we won't have a #1, #2 and #3 WR the same way that some teams to. I have a feeling that Spurrier will rotate his receivers to match down, distance and defensive personnel the way that defenses go from base, to nickel to dime. On some plays, you'll see Gardner and Doering running short and intermediate routes, while Green or Lockett runs deep. On other plays, Green and Lockett will run crossing patterns while we try Thompson on a deep route. In the red zone, you may see Gardner, Thompson and Doering in the game, as their height may work best for us on jump balls or passes near the sideline.

As a result, I think the preoccupation with ranking the WR's is largely a red herring. We'll see all of them at various times in the game. Otherwise, why keep six?

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Originally posted by KCgator

Derrius Thompson and Chris Doering have moved ahead of him, at least for this week. Thompson will start and Doering will be the No. 3 receiver, which might as well be a starter under Spurrier.

What's your source?

I've heard Spurrier praise both receivers and hint that Thompson will start this Saturday, but I haven't heard that Doering is starting. I'm not saying you're wrong (I hope you're right), but what is your source for the Doering start?

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Originally posted by KCgator

We hear that Reidel Anthony is out and that Green is on shaky ground based on his performance the past few weeks....

Derrius Thompson and Chris Doering have moved ahead of him, at least for this week. Thompson will start and Doering will be the No. 3 receiver, which might as well be a starter under Spurrier.

As for Anthony, he has consistently been behind at least five other receivers. The only way he makes the team is if Washington keeps seven wideouts and that's highly unlikely. Even then he might be in trouble.

Anthony has dropped too many passes while Doering, Thompson and Darnerien McCants have shown more potential. Rod Gardner played much better against Pittsburgh.

John Keim is a reliable reporter.

Big woody for this report. It echoes what I and many others here think, and it's a relief that Spurrier is not going to let old Gator loyalties dictate everything. It's a huge relief to see Anthony at #7, Thompson and Doering get chances to start, and McCants get consideration at #4 or #5.

ASF sleeps well tonight. :)

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Spurrier is becoming fairly easy to read, regarding his opinions of players. Last week, when being asked a question about what a great game Reidel had against Carolina, SOS was stingy with his praise, and implied that Anthony was the beneficiary of other people's work when he got those two touchdown catches. In particular, he seemed more impressed with Doering drawing three defenders, which allowed a wide-open Anthony an easy score. I began thinking then that Anthony was in trouble, and this report pretty much confirms it. Now, if Spurrier brings up a player without being asked, as he always seems to do with Doering and Thompson, that seems to be a good sign. He also mentions McCants frequently, so right now he's my pick to stick if the team keeps six WRs :)

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