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Thoughts from a Steeler fan in attendance...


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I found this post on one of the Steeler boards. This guy was at the game and seems pretty level-headed and fair. There are some things to learn from his observations:

Here's the recap of what I saw from my positively incredible seats!!!

1) Randle El is the fastest player with the ball in his hands I have ever seen. He made Champ Bailey and the rest of the Skins 1st team D look two steps slow when he took the reverse at the 41 yd line and ran to the endzone. In my 20+ years of watching football - I've never seen such speed and elusiveness in one package.

2) Kordell does not look comfortable. Call me a cynic - but look at the last five games of the season last year and his early performance so far - it's not encouraging.

3) Batch looks more suited to our offense. I'm not going to jump on his bandwagon yet and state he should be the starter - since it is only preseason - but he was absolutely dynamite with the first string last night. He throws a much better ball than Stewart and looks more comfortable in passing situations. He was throwing ropes down the field making Bailey look silly.

4) Terrence Mathis is very, very unhappy with his role on the team. He moped the entire evening. Coming out of the tunnel - he was the only Steeler to walk. Standing on the sideline - he held his arms crossed as he watched the game. He is not happy with being the #5 receiver. Personally, I think he should be utilized more- and Edwards less. Once again, Edwards dropped a catchable ball in the endzone.

5) Plax and Ward torched Bailey and Smoot. For all their talk and hoopla - the SKins Db's were on the heeld the entire 1st half. Plax absolutely broke down Bailey on every route. It wasn't evident until Batch came in the game and threw him the ball.

6) Chad Scott even talks smack with the fans. If his Superman cape doesn't say enough, he talked the entire night to the Redskins fans behind him (where I was seated) about this offense simply won't work. To a lesser degree, Mike Logan and Lee Flowers chimed in.

7) Tee Martin has no confidence. For his sake and the team's - he should be cut asap.

8) Bettis is a step slow. I've seen him run now for 6+ years and he has definitely lost a step. I believe Fu and Amos will see more action this year.

9) Our offensive line is a worry. The Redskin D front controlled the line of scrimmage for much of the 1st half. In addition to their blocking troubles, they also had 4 penalties in the first half.

10) Kevin Spencer does not enjoy his life. Cowher berated him at least five times again last night over bad snaps, etc...

11) Todd Peterson can kick. Each of his kickoffs sailed inside the five yardline, with several making the endzone. He also consistently hit 50+ yard Fg's prior to the game.

12) I hope the D is holding back. They got very little pressure on the QB's last night. When they did get pressure - fumbles and interceptions occurred almost every time.

13) The Steelers whooped the Skins and their fans were bitter. At 24-0 - the SKins fans began to disperse.

14) I'm ready for the season opener in New England. Hopefully, Kordell & Co. will be.

15) Kendrell - see other post.

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I was at the game behind the steeler bench. The fans were making fun of Pittsburgh always losing the AFC Title game at home. It was a trip to see those guys get pissed. All they could say is "this offense won't work" and people would yell back, "It's preseason dumbass, if you saw everything, Spurrier would be as dumb as you!....TROY BROWN RULES!"

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I was sitting right behind the Steeler bench too and there were a decent number of Pittsburgh fans there but its funny how fast the Terrible Towels dissapeared after the Fun N Gun took over. SS should have gone deep on our final possession after we had the game won.

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Originally posted by escholz

1) Randle El is the fastest player with the ball in his hands I have ever seen. He made Champ Bailey and the rest of the Skins 1st team D look two steps slow when he took the reverse at the 41 yd line and ran to the endzone. In my 20+ years of watching football - I've never seen such speed and elusiveness in one package.

Total BS

As I posted before, the Skins dominated the line. The Steelers had to go to trick plays cause our "D" was shuting them out. The one weakness of our "D" is they are very aggressive. They will get beat by over running plays and not watching the cutback lanes. This guy ran a reverse and cut it back.

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