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Arabia, Iraq and the U. S. and tommorow


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Tommorow is never promised to anyone, as so many times often mentioned. No one can be certain of what tommorow brings. No knows for absolute certain. No, not a one.

Here and right now are the presupposed moments that you can only grasp, and only before it is archived in the anals of history. For the moment passes and the event is as if lightning in a bottle.

The one moment the U. S. DOESN'T want to give Iraq, is being circumvented by the marshmallowee center in Arabia and there may be a split in the future somehwhere in the cracks of it's royalty. A slant for the favor of Iraq maybe. That my friends is a grim tommorow.

After the the Gulf War, Arabia enjoyed some moments of world acclaim as a friend to all and a supportive ally to the U. S. Many traded with her from all over and still do. Oil, scents, and any other trade does condition many to rely on the support of their neighbors. Work, travel, and exchange keep things robust and bustling, as Arabia stayed afloat, as many nations, even Japan, went up and down in her economy over the years.

Taking a closer look, shows however, there is a growing undercurrent in Arabia, of a more "work" related socitety, the one Bin Laden catered to and carted away to Afghanistan and abroad to do his biddings. They were ripe for it, and linked their frustrations of home with their once Western allies. America became a target of all the rage from guts to a shout to their god, Allah. Many have since begged to differ on the true motive of such a campaign being true to, - religion or faith or both. Whatever that cause that took it's ride on the innocent blood shed in NY, at least innocent of such charges, for which we can find many a victim from WWI and back, yet no one attacked the King of England, or threatened the Pyramids of Egypt or the Holy stone in Arabia or said they'd cutoff the head the leader in Libya.

The fanaticism can be found now in Arabia and the most disturbing news has now come from both Arabia and Iraq, as almost in concert. Arabia first made her announcement: The U.. s. cannot use it's country as a staging ground for an effort against Iraq.

It is no longer rumor, why, but how it came about. Remember the undercurrent in Arabia?

As of 8/12/02, Monday, this afternoon, the second shot was fired.

Irag has denied access to it's country for U.N. Inspectors. Once again, as in the effort at first initiated in Afghanistan, when celebration was among the Palestinians and Arabs alike for the Bombing of the WTC with those two planes, Arabia has timed herself with yet another phony representative of true Islamic worshippers, raping the religion of it's true intent and then directing the anger at the west.

Will Arabia be true again? Only tommorow knows.

Iraq became more defiant ONLY when the announcement came, it had won a major battle without a single shot fired, when Arabia BOWED to Saddam Hussien.

the first bowl is spilled. tommorow's first woe?

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How ironic. One of the reasons bin laden supposedly attacked us was because of our supposedly "imperialistic policies" and general meddling in his part of the world. I wonder if the dumb son of a ***** figured the real repercussions of "waking the sleeping giant"? Very soon, we are going to transform ourselves from the fairly benevolent superpower that we once were, to one that really is going to change his world and the entire sh!thole region over there. If he is still alive, and thought we were a$$holes before, the payback for his actions is gonna make him make him think that maybe we weren't so bad the way we were before 9/11. As for our supposed "allies" in the region, the whirlwind is coming to visit a lot of people in that region, and the choice that will be given to them is to either join the civilized world and act like you have some damn sense, or have McDonalds and Century III shopping malls with big parking lots over the place. My personal solution is to move in and convert them all to Christianity.

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