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Did anyone else get autographs Sat at Camp


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We lined up at around 145 so we could be near the front of the autograph lines, which this year the autographs were handled 300 percent better than last year, It was so hot at the front of the line that I saw them bring water and an EMT to the front of the line, never heard what happened but I know it was nasty. They ended up getting golf carts and hauling coolers of water out to sell to the line after we asked them to.

They set up 22 lines and had one big name player and 2-3 little name guys at each table. my duaghter wanted Smoot but I told her we were getting Darrell because this was the last year he would be there, so we got in line and the players at DG table were, Melvin Paige, Cliff Russell, DG and most have been the hottest cheerleader of them all:jerkoff: . Before it started the fed ex crew, who was were there to make sure no one ran and kept things running good, said Cliff wasn't gonna be there. Right before it started Cliff came out on crutches and did sign. I thought that was cool because he did not need to be there but he drug himself out for the fans. We went through and got Darrell and the table and it went so quick that we walked the whole way around got Smoot. I bought my daughter a redskins beanie baby and she had Smoot sign it, she was still bouncing around at 11 pm about it.

It only lasted an hour and on our thrid trip they closed the lines as we were headed down to get Trotter but that was cool.

Overall a huge improvement from last when the lined the players up on hte track at tables and blew a whistle and everybody charged the tables. Other than missing the scrimmage it was a afternoon well spent

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There was a person selling Darrell Green foundation shirts at the entrance of the fields. When were driving back from trying to find lunch we saw DG signing at this car so we pulled over and ran up to get one, but he was only signing for people who had bought shirts which was cool. One guy had his boy in line with a seat cushion and she told him he had to have bought a shirt and this guy started to give the women a hard time about it until another man yelled at him andI thought we were going have a little action but it didn't happen.

Darrell said he had to go and he sign the last 3 he said he would and he walked over to a VW Bug that the paint was blue and faded on and had stripes going back the side looked kinda clownish, everyone followed him there and he jumped in and told everyone to move cause this old thing had no brakes and everyone laughed and moved out of his way. Classic.:notworthy :notworthy

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