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Chicago Sun-Times: Some Redskins defensive players took exception to Orton


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CONFIDENT RETURNS: Some Redskins didn't like what they heard from Bears quarterback Kyle Orton during the week. While it may have been a case of using the smallest information as bulletin-board material, apparently some defensive players took exception to Orton saying that he would prepare so he would not be surprised by any of Washington's elaborate pressure packages.

"He ran his mouth a lot,'' defensive tackle Cornelius Griffin said. "Yeah, he did talk early on in the week. He had the big eyes and everything.''

Safety Pierson Prioleau had a different take on the rookie's first appearance.

"He looked poised and he looked comfortable,'' Prioleau said. "He expressed all week he wouldn't be nervous or rattled. I liked his confidence. I give him credit for going out and being confident.''


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