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Told you so!! LOL!


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Seriously though, I picked up something in Coach Gibbs' press conference that really picked me up a bit. He said, and I quote.

"Patrick had a very good offseason," Gibbs said. "He looks comfortable. He feels comfortable. Over time, quarterbacks mature. They learn to put more air under the ball and where to go with the ball. I hope we see continued improvement. He's certainly been given the reins of the team."

Ok, out of all of that, what is the most important improvement Patrick could make as a QB? I think I called it in January, when I said Patrick needed to work on getting more Air under the ball on long passes. Looks like Coach Gibbs agreed with me at least to some degree, as he made a point to mention it.

This makes me feel all warm and fuzzy about Pat this coming season.

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The most important thing Ramsey needs to fix is the accuracy of his throws. It may be catchable but he rarely if ever hits a receiver in stride so they can then make a move and get some yards

Edit: Im glad and hope he truley is comming along, I dont mean to bash the guy in anyway, but based on watching games from 2004-05 all off season over and over on Tivo, that is my conclusion.

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Originally posted by SamSneed36

The most important thing Ramsey needs to fix is the accuracy of his throws. It may be catchable but he rarely if ever hits a receiver in stride so they can then make a move and get some yards

Edit: Im glad and hope he truley is comming along, I dont mean to bash the guy in anyway, but based on watching games from 2004-05 all off season over and over on Tivo, that is my conclusion.

I don't think Pat was really any more inaccurate with his throws than the average NFL QB, I think he just tried to throw it too hard.

When the ball gets there in half a second, it obviously does not allow the receiver much time to adjust to the ball and make a play. Only a very few QB's in history have been able to be successfull throwing the ball that hard, and even they learned when to do it and when not to do it. Pat needs to learn that lesson as well, and I think he is making progress on it from what Coach said. I thought, and still think, that is the biggest single improvement Pat can make as a player, and I'm glad to see it is recognicsed and worked towards.

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Originally posted by feeshta

I don't think Pat was really any more inaccurate with his throws than the average NFL QB, I think he just tried to throw it too hard.

When the ball gets there in half a second, it obviously does not allow the receiver much time to adjust to the ball and make a play. Only a very few QB's in history have been able to be successfull throwing the ball that hard, and even they learned when to do it and when not to do it. Pat needs to learn that lesson as well, and I think he is making progress on it from what Coach said. I thought, and still think, that is the biggest single improvement Pat can make as a player, and I'm glad to see it is recognicsed and worked towards.

It just seems that so many throws were way too high, if a WR has to leave his feet there is pretty much no way they will be able to run after the catch. Many throws were also behind the WR, and again, it is catchable but the WR loses all momentum getting to the ball. The long ball to jacobs in the vikings game was under thrown, he had to stop to catch it. Had it been on target he would have easily scored rather then tackled at the one.

I dont see throwing slower helping that unless that helps his accuracy to throw slower

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Originally posted by SamSneed36

It just seems that so many throws were way too high, if a WR has to leave his feet there is pretty much no way they will be able to run after the catch. Many throws were also behind the WR, and again, it is catchable but the WR loses all momentum getting to the ball. The long ball to jacobs in the vikings game was under thrown, he had to stop to catch it. Had it been on target he would have easily scored rather then tackled at the one.

I dont see throwing slower helping that unless that helps his accuracy to throw slower

I think putting a little more air under it allows the receiver to put himself in a better postion for the catch, and also the run after the catch if he has a little seperation. A good receiver will work the defender and win the battle.

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Originally posted by frankbones

Hmmm..... from all accounts I can remember, it was how poor the QB's looked in offseason workouts in 2004.

Yeah, i pretty much remember even Coach saying all the QB play was rough in camp last year.

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Originally posted by frankbones

Hmmm..... from all accounts I can remember, it was how poor the QB's looked in offseason workouts in 2004.

Yeah, last year it looked like Brunnell was simply the lesser(no pun intended) of two evils at the time. Pat really struggled to pick up the system, but in fairness, so did everyone else. Part of that was due to the fact that the coaching staff had to sort of do things on the fly last year due to the short time frame to prepare the offense. Also, I think the coaching staff underestimated the degree to which opposing defenses would commit to stopping Portis and bringing heat in the backfield. A few key injuries, and an extremely poor performance at center just compounded things.

SamSneed36: I see what you are saying, but I think you may not be seeing what I am saying exactly. The key to the exercise is to make sure the receiver has enough time to adjust to the ball after the throw. Of course, to be able to adjust to the ball, it has to be a catchable ball, I thought that would have been implied in the statement. A lot of teams have been successfull throwing the deep ball by just putting it up there and letting their receivers go get it. Some people are going to say you need bigger receivers to do that, and while I agree that would be an advantage(I pushed for Williams in the draft) I think the guys we do have are capable of success in this situtaion. If they simply learn to mislead the corner a bit, they all have a good burst to close on the actual flight-path of the ball at the last second. I saw a clip of Moss doing exactly what I'm talking about from last year, so we know he has it in him. The other guys will pick it up I'm sure.

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