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Career BURN-OUT ! Time for a New Job ?


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I've been doing Home Improvement Cabinetmaker for Close to 20 Years.....

I think I'm Burned-out.....I just cannot get Motivated...I love the Thought of a New Challenge ...the Next Job...but I've been having trouble just Finishing the Last job....I apparently get Bored and Complacent real easily. I am starting to think it's time for another Job.

Boy, I don't like the thought of Starting over. This job has the Perks of Being my own boss....being able to take my Goyl's to school and even pick them up after school. I haven't missed a SINGLE School related event. Being able to just take a Day off here and there. This would be the Hardest part. My Goyl's are pretty young....7 & 9 .

Just wanted to vent a little.....I've actually thought about New Car Sales....I think I could be a pretty good salesman.

Oh well.....

Thanx for your Time...

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Originally posted by Sknzfan

I apparently get Bored and Complacent real easily.

Just wanted to vent a little.....I've actually thought about New Car Sales....I think I could be a pretty good salesman.

Oh well.....

Thanx for your Time...

After doing it for 20 years. the last thing I would say about you is you get bored and complacent easily. I'm not saying that it's not time for a change.

New car sales..................... I've turned down car sales jobs many times because of the hours. You know, some days your in early, and home at normal time. Some days you go in late, and close the place that night. Some weekends off, and some on. I like stability, and could never deal with that. It makes it tough to be with your family as much IMO, and as with me, that sounds like it a biggie for you.


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