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Posts posted by sprcr

  1. It feels like permission. Permission to let the team go.  I'm 50. My affection was formed in the 80s.  Those days are gone.  The players are gone. The coach is gone. The stadium is gone.  The owner is gone.  Now the name, and literal team is gone.  I'll always have fond memories of the Skins, just like my childhood home.  But we left that house decades ago.


    There's no other team im interested in.  Im not changing allegiances.. its just... over now. 

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  2. Sorry, but while I get where you're coming from it just doesn't make sense to give a team that's going to be multiple games under 500 an average grade of B.  Although maybe that says more about the current state of grade inflation than anything else!  Look Ma!  Everyone is above average.


    Team doesnt get an F.  They played meaningful games into December, which is more than I expected when Fitz went down in game 1.  But it just cant be more than an overall D if "average" gives you a C.

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  3. Crazy game.  Three growth things, all which which have been alluded to elsewhere. 


    First, love Antonio, but DUDE you HAVE to not run out of bounds.  You just CANT.  Watch the end of the Alabama Auburn game if you need that lesson.


    Second, please, love of god.. find something else to call on third and 1, just sometimes.


    Third, man.. I know the guys job is to block for someone behind him on the onside kick.. but if it comes at you in a way that requires a yoga pose to avoid it... just catch the ball next time.


    And last, this one for the refs.  Yeah... if its  a 5 minute review its not clear and convincing.

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  4. I dont really need to subcontract my opinion of Dan, Goodell or the WFT to anyone else and their report at this point.  Failure to release it tells us everything we need to know, and everything we have known.  Just absent the details.   


    The team is obviously replete with mysoginistic, racist and incompetence at the top.  They keep trying to bring in staff to put Band-Aids over the gangrene infected mess.  Rivera seems like a genuinely good guy.  I give him another 18 months.


    This just in.  Dan is a **** show and he's turned my favorite team for 45 years into a **** show and I hate him.  It actually feels like a personal attack on my idealized childhood. I honestly hope he has a special place in Dante's Inferno reserved for him.

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  5. How embarrassing does all of this need to be, not for the NFL.. which has no soul, but for the average fan to just surrender and move on.  I have the sense that most would be willing to look past it if the football was good on the field.  But combine Bad football, bad league and bad owner?  It starts to really feel like the ship has slipped beyond the event horizon and just doomed to go into the black hole of death.

  6. I mean. I dont want to suggest I know more about what's going on than guys who coach 20 hours a day.  But the what Im seeing suggests that O coordinators watched film from last year and said. "ok, I can beat that DL pressure by throwing quick shorter routes."  Which is largely true because even if there was no D tackle on the field it would STILL take 1.5 seconds to run from DE line up spot to a 5 yard drop.


    Sooo.  if you just had the Corners play press and stay near their guys for 2 seconds rather than worry about what happens on a 25 yard post or cross, that seems like the appropriate counter play and that if we dont make the appropriate counter move, then that's a coaching issue. 

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  7. No. But when I've had a team at work performing poorly, I find that terming one underperformer can be highly motivational to the rest.  And whereas we cant readily term the players since no replacements are coming out of the tunnel, I start looking at coaches.

  8. I like it.  Strategically it means we dont HAVE to reach for a QB this year or trade up if there isnt one there, but if someone drops, we can comfortably take one and sit a year.  It also means we can have the two younger guys sit and learn a year regardless.


    On the field, I like the fit too.  Yes, he's going to throw the ball further down the field resulting in more TDs and pics.  But we're pretty well set up to absorb those negative possessions. I trust the D to get us out of at least some of those jams he'll leave us in and will take that as a tradeoff for the occasional 50 yard TD to replace the 4 yard check down.  You arent obliged to play super conservative when you have a top 5 D.

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