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Posts posted by CarlH

  1. So Carson is not the answer and we will remain bad but not bad enough to pick as spectacularly high as number 19 (where they would have needed to move up from to pick Fields at 12). If we are a "middle of the road" team under Ron, would that not have us picking somewhere in the proximity of 16 again next year (which we traded back to accomplish this year and is still three spots higher than where we picked when we didn't move up for Fields).

    Excuse Me Reaction GIF by Bounce

  2. There were certainly people who defended the previous regimes. Even though I was not posting back in the days of Vinny and Bruce, I was a defender of both in my younger years. I went to every home game at FedEx for many many years (friends/family with the folks in the green lot with the air horn, VW bus with the hogs head mounted on the front etc). To my father's credit, he told me very shortly after Dan bought the team exactly how his ownership was going to play out. I did not believe him because the team was so important to me and I really really wanted to believe that he was wrong. I would get into heated argugments with family members during holiday gatherings defending the team and Dan. Over the years, we have all come to accept the reality of our situation. I've moved out of the area now but you couldn't pay me to attend a game at FedEx for the last 10-15 years. 

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  3. We will see what makes it to the light but I agree, there is no lack of rumors/stories out there. Being a prick isn't going to get him removed though, so hopefully something else comes out (that isn't some sort of abuse but more the likes of the ticketing scam) that makes the owners finally say "enough is enough". For what it's worth, I thought Jay should have been gone long before he was, regardless of how hamstrung he was by Bruce/Dan. 

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  4. Been reading this forum for the last 20 years or so and know someone worked high up in the organization for the entire time (and still does). I've never once posted that I can remember but I do know a few previous execs personally and just thought I'd share a funny story that I know to be true about Dan (in the same vein as "Mr Snyder", vanilla ice cream, sour milk etc.). I've never heard this shared publicly so if everyone already knows, I apologize, but it speaks to who Dan is and why nothing will ever change until he is removed. Story is that Dan takes all of the execs and some of the ex-players (Rypien I know for sure being one of the ex players who has attended these events) on his yacht to party for a few days before or after each season (I can't remember this detail) and each night when he is done hanging out and ready to go to bed, he forces another executive/grown man to sing him to sleep and/or read him a lullaby every night. That is Dan Snyder. He is a petulant, immature, insecure child. If you ever want more insight into exactly who Dan is, I suggest reading the book Portnoy's Revenge. That is who Dan is, why he will NEVER go willingly (we all know this by now) and why will fight tooth and nail to the bitter end. He does not deserve the benefit of the doubt for anything, ever. I also happen to know there are NDAs preventing more stories from leaking. I do not know the details of the story(ies) but I was told there is one that if it ever does get out, will ruin him. (I somewhat suspect it's the airplane story and this ****roach survived but can't be sure). Thanks to all for all the wonderful insight, if it wasn't for this forum I probably wouldn't follow the team at all anymore. 

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