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Everything posted by Reddskins1

  1. They better have a good run Defense cause they will get a heavy dose early of Antonio Gibson then Wentz will play action off it... I agree alot with the latter...I can see that happening cause pederson is a pretty good coach..
  2. Then our Commanders that will give them a competitive advantage over us week 1? I'm struggling to see any meaning we should win this handly... What's your take?
  3. Can't argue with that reasoning...
  4. I love the optimism.... Let's Go Commmanders
  5. Nice topic....Roullier is better right now at his position he is very good,but young has the bigger upside cause he can be great...I'm glad we have both of them..
  6. Ding Ding we have a winner...This reply is spot on!!!
  7. I say it's all the Above...😄 I predict you will have atleast 20 cracks at this and this excludes preseason games...
  8. If Wentz plays like last year with the Colts we win 10-11 games and win the NFC east and in position to make some noise in the Playoffs..
  9. Passing game or Run game should be the feature with the talent at QB we have now and the strong RB group we have and the WR group is pretty damn talented to? We all know balance is the best thing but that's not today's NFL... With what we have on offense I think we should air it out more which will open the run game more meaning more effective production offensively...What you think?
  10. The best reply to my thread so far...and I agree with just about everything said.
  11. Can you put that in Lyman's terms...Lol...Well said!!! You disappoint me... Absolutely love this...
  12. This should be our year to hit double digit wins....
  13. Lol....I hear ya...But that's not happening Lol...You might be on to something here...
  14. The latter I really hope is wrong.. Don't be timid speak your mind next time...
  15. With the addition of Carson Wentz and his throwing ability and with the weapons we have on offense With the strong run game already there of course we have to reestablish it year to year but I don't see that being a problem cause the oline is above average and could be damn near dominant this season...With all that said I expect a top 10 offense no worse then 12.. Now to the defense...We all were disappointed in last year's performance especially the first half of the season and I attribute that to del-rio and his scheme and frankly under performance across the board with the players.We got complacent on D especially upfront reading all the good things being written and talked about this unit.. Del-rio waited to late to adjust the D but he finally did do it..The talent on this D is undeniable but we are weak at the LB position so we need better play there but I honestly feel that our Dline was alot of the cause for the LB's looking bad cause we underachieved badly with our front 4..With the proper scheme and the talent there is no way in hell we play that poorly again so I see the D finishing in the middle of the pack or better... So with the O in the top 10 and the D at no worst then the middle of the pack it equals to a NFC East title and a great chance to make noise in the Playoffs..This is my expectation WHAT'S Your's?
  16. Brian Robinson will he beat out Antonio Gibson as the Bell cow for our run game? I can't see that happening AG is underrated as RB the guy to me is slightly under elite..The dude can run between the tackles with power and has the speed to get around the edge shifty enough to elude tackles or run over you and can pass protect pretty good plus catch the ball very well..So it's my opinion this is AG job to lose...How do you guys feel about this and don't bring up the fumbles cause all RB fumble and besides the chargers game last season that's the only fumble that really cost us the game... What's Your Take?
  17. Alot of Hype or no Hype going into a season which is better? I must admit getting attention and some recognition about our team in the off-season feels good but in reality it rarely works out in our favor..It seems under the radar works better for us and this off-season other then obtaining Wentz and our owners issues we have not be talked about much that bolds well for us..What is you guys feeling on this? Let's Go Commmanders!!!
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