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Posts posted by Event_Horizon

  1. Yeah.. ha ha ^^ thanks for the unnecessary jab. I was just an Analyst who followed the money as part of GWOT as part of a NSC / JTF tasking.  Anyway... whatever.  I am retired and just a teacher now.




    If it was me to rank the top five right now?  Here it is:


    1. USA

    2. Russia

    3. UK

    4. France

    5. China (mainly because of pure human manpower and not capability)


    6. Germany

    7. India

    8. Turkey

    9. South Korea

    10. Japan

  2. Borna,


    You are on the right track, but there are some things the intel community would disagree with.  China is not the second most powerful country in the world.  Far from it... their Hyperglide Delivery Vehicle has not passed one test.


    I cannot say more as it is still classified, but China poses ZERO threat to the US except through economic and cyber warfare.  NK they could handle.  China is a ****hole of a country whose normal citizen makes about $3 dollars a day.

  3. I am simply telling the truth Hersh but you can't see it for some reason.  You certainly are not more informed than Congress and our Intel Agencies and the Intel Agencies around the world... so keep making fun of me and propagate your liberal agenda.  I realize the Congressional vote rubs a lot of you the wrong way, but they know things you do not.


    Expand the screening process.

  4. This is intensely naive Hersh (especially your first paragraph).  Tshile nailed it, but the liberal thinking up in here just refuses to see the truth of the matter as it relates to the absolute danger it brings upon the United States to let these folks inside without being properly vetted.


    The Congress agrees across the aisle.  They are informed.  You are not so much sir.  With respect...

  5. I would gladly take a family in. It would be tight for sure and we would have to convert my study into a bedroom, but yeah, I'd do it for folks fleeing ISIS.

    That's not always the case and the same could be said for the other side too. Let's not pretend the Left is innocent of the same thing.


    Sorry, I do not believe you for a second and think you are just trying to make new liberal friends after the some of the things you post.


    I wouldn't take any darn nonsense into my home. EVER. Period.  Guess that makes me a bad Catholic, but I will live to see next Christmas and keep my family safe.

  6. Let em pile on me steve... it's funny and so uninformed.  I stated my case, but I am not responding to liberal propaganda here that will be the end of us all.


    There is not even a moderate road here with some of these guys.  If you have to ask?  Yeah YOU!  :)


    Just let them make fun of me until the next huge attack in the UK, France, Russia, Germany, or our own country.


    FO4 is a real fun game until we play it in real life... 

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