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Posts posted by skinfan133

  1. Exactly. You can't make a girl like you. If I'm interested in a girl, I make my intentions clear in her mind, so she HAS to make a decision to either like me back, or reject me. I really think guys who friendzone themselves are guys who are afraid of rejection.
    It's 100% a fear of rejection; guilty as charged.

    edit: Here's a funny picture to satisfy the fact my post is boring as balls


    edit: Here's a funny picture to satisfy the fact my post is boring as balls

  2. So it occurred to me this morning driving to work on the Loudoun County parkway that Donovan McNabb and I work exactly one mile apart. I never thought in a million years that that would happen :ols:


    Thought this was somewhat interesting - Jason Whitlock praises McNabb...


    That first line made me do a double take at my screen until I realized it was an editorial :pfft:

  3. You know, I thought about doing a milestone thread for my 3000th post like we used to do when less members were around, but I thought better of it. (you're welcome mods :))

    it took no time at all for me to get to 2000 posts, and like 4 years to get 1000 more. perhaps that's a good thing lol.

    here's to many more good times here on ES :cheers:

  4. 3840 posts since Sept of 2007, Wow that means and avg of 168 posts a month, 5.6 posts a day or 1 post every 4.3 hrs.

    "1. Don't use this just to raise your post count. I know there are some out there who seem to think that a higher post count is like some kind of award. It's not."

    yo dude, leave my Toe Jam alone!

    Tailgaters got each others backs :)

    Jeff Bostic is the only Skin with my birthday (Sept. 18)
    your band sounds really good dude!
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