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Everything posted by HooHog

  1. Indeed. A run-in makes more sense than a full match. Pop would be nuts.
  2. This won't happen, but I'm throwing it out there anyway. Austin vs taker. Scsa returns to stick it to Vince "one last time."
  3. Brewed an Imperial Blonde yesterday. Everything went pretty smoothly so I'm optimistic it should turn out pretty tasty.
  4. Went to Burlington, VT this weekend and finally got to try the Heady Topper. Totally lived up to the hype.
  5. I expect Jericho will put him over at summerslam. Saw the end of the IC match coming a mile away. Still pissed me off.
  6. Yeah, any time Jericho wants to come back and wrestle for a while is ok with me. At least he's not like the other part-timers who just come back for a ppv here or there and don't really do any work. At least when Jericho comes back he's actually wrestling. And I didn't think he looked terrible, a little lean but probably actually in better shape than the last time he was back.
  7. It's really ridiculous that they don't do more with Ziggler. Dude is great in the ring
  8. EG - that girl has some crazy pipes. She'll make some money if she keeps with it.
  9. NSFW so I won't post the link, but anyone who likes Game of Thrones (or more specifically A Song of Ice and Fire) should go to youtube and search for "Axis of Awesome - Rage of Thrones." LOL'ed for a solid 5 minutes this morning. And check out the top comment on the video afterward.
  10. I've always wondered what my farts looked like
  11. Duncan and Parker are about to get Own3d http://www.thepostgame.com/blog/dish/201212/embarrassing-photo-spurs-players-leaked-online
  12. That was a stiff shot for sure. They showed the replay in slow-mo and he landed that thing square between the eyes. I was wondering if Miz had a legit concussion. Split him open at the very least.
  13. Man, Joey must have had one hell of a night with Steve's girlfriend, or something.
  14. Caught it myself before I got BTA'd. Saw the s-word and said the s-word and scrambled to edit.
  15. NSFW language in image - fail Grantland's honest logos for every NFL team. Be warned - few little NSFW's in there http://www.grantland.com/story/_/id/8345525/honest-logos-patriots-cowboys-giants-rest-nfl
  16. I have no idea what's going on there but it's hilarious
  17. Hahaha. That right there is why Punk & Bryan should get to run the WWE. Fantastic.
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