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Posts posted by sportjunkie07

  1. 54 minutes ago, visionary said:


    Defending people and property.. check.

    Offering ems help... check.

    Successfully defending himself from mutiple attacks and cleaning up the garbage rioting in our cities.. check. 

    Doing these needed things when everyone else is scared to.. check. 


    Sounds like a hero to me.


    I don't know if he is a white supremacist but regardless his actions were commendable here. 

    • Haha 1
    • Confused 1

    2 hours ago, mammajamma said:

    that storm surge looks crazy... up to 20 feet, 30 miles inland. also people are saying one of the main bridges out is most likely a goner once this hits. this has the potential of being absolutely catastrophic for that area

    Beaumont, port Arthur, lake Charles, and Cameron will be wiped off the map.

    gonna hit some refineries really hard too. People in those cities will die. 

    These storms all have their own characteristics. This one is a lot different than Harvey or Ike. Its big and mean and all you can really do is get out of the way and pick up the pieces afterwards.

  3. 20 hours ago, Destino said:

    1- There is a very long list of examples where "follow orders and live" simply isn't the case.  Zero accountability on many of them too.

    2- Why is failing to comply immediately a death sentence?  Who decided that and why are you treating it like its not like everything else in a democracy, and subject to change? 

    3- We don't need better training, just different training.  What's harder to replace is the culture. 


    i disagree with your entire post outside of id being OK with entertaining different types of training.


    1.) There is a an exponentially longer list of "follow orders and live" where it simply is the case. 

    2.) Failing to comply immediately is not a death sentence, but in certain situations it can lead to that. use your brain.

    Forcefully resisting arrest and committing multiple felonies along the way.. or escalating force with a weapon often results in death. And it should, because the perpetrator is putting the lives of the police officers and others in danger. 



    20 hours ago, Destino said:

    Every shooting is not, but how many white guys get gunned down in stores by police for holding a BB gun that store sells?  John Crawford's life ended this way.  How many white kids are gunned down in parks for playing with toy guns?  Tamir Rice was robbed of his life just as it was getting started like this.  How many white security guards successfully subdue a gunman only to be immediately shot by police responding to the scene?  This is how Jemel Roberson's story ended, and that man died a hero.  None of the police in these cases went to prison.  


    20 hours ago, Destino said:

    There's an assumption made about black men, that they're dangerous, and any time people think they MIGHT be holding a weapon they get murdered by the people who swear an oath to protect them.  That assumption does not extend to white men in a gun crazy country.    


    Why would you imagine that you know whats best for them?  They're not children in need of adult guidance.  They're people that know all too well what the problems in their communities look like.  Spend less time wagging your finger and more time listening.   

    It's no secret that the media is left controlled, and they only champion the storylines that support the agenda that they are trying to push. Brooks didnt deserve to be shot, right? Just watch this video on how personable brooks is. he has just made mistakes and wants to be a good father, but struggles with having enough time to make money to support his family. it's a relatable struggle that a lot of Americans have. Right?


    Then in reality we see him wasted in a parking lot on his daughter's birthday. we learn that he has had altercations with police before and he was in jail for beating his wife and abusing his children. 


    Just ask yourself, who has the most to gain from racial division nowadays? 


    The media and democratic party propose that white cops are out to get ya and that it is so difficult for blacks in America due to systemic racism. They pander for this movement and dress up in African garb and kneel for BLM, then turnaround and tell them they arent black if they dont vote democratic! They shine the shoes of black people and give them hugs (i mean wtf). Get on your knees and apologize now for being a superior race and having white privilege!... it's all a lie and reeks of moral superiority. Pushing racism keeps society divided and distracts people from the actual factors that are leading to struggle in black communities (factors that apply to other poorer demographics as well), and keeps blacks feeling inferior to others and indebted to leftist government. 


    There will always be some division among people of different races; in fact it's pretty natural. But we've come a long way in America and systemic racism is practically nonexistent (affirmative action notwithstanding). Someone has to tell the truth about it because everyone is too afraid to offend someone and be called a racist; it's disgusting. 


    Wake up, you're being played!

  4. 1 minute ago, Llevron said:

    Do you need multiple examples of people following orders and still dying for you to admit that following orders will not actually ensure your safety and see that is the argument? Or are you only discussing this particular case because it fits your narrow narrative and have no intention on actually coming to the table and fairly discussing this? 

    Serious inquiry 

    Almost every time you follow orders you live. There are cases of it not happening both white and black. It is unfortunate, and people make mistakes. It would be nice if we had better training and could hire better police officers but that is not the case.

    ive been fairly and truthfully discussing this since I first popped into this thread. No one seems to want to discuss the truth though, they want to push a political agenda that black people have it harder than anyone else and that every shooting is race based.


    what they are doing in reality is hurting their own race, advancing racist groups like BLM, and championing a lack of accountability, which ironically will make it more difficult for the average black person to succeed in the long run. It’s very sad. 

  5. 2 hours ago, Simmsy said:

    I've seen plenty of white people do the same, they don't get killed like that. I've seen officers talk down armed white people who they actually had the right away to use deadly force. Can you explain to me why black people are being executed by the police for crimes that don't warrant death...or for no crimes at all? I'll believe we've made some progress when a black man can kill nine white people and the cops stop so they can buy him a whopper.

    And plenty of white people have been shot in such scenarios as well. 

    dylan roof is also a scumbag and should already be in the grave, but he surrendered peacefully while brooks didn’t.


    it’s that simple.

  6. 1 hour ago, The Evil Genius said:


    Even more, they ran him so they have his car. His address. His everything. Its not like they couldn't find where he'd end up in a hour or two.

    So he could be barricaded in a house still desperate to not go to jail, except this time with a firearm and innocent family members and bystanders?


    great idea. You should be the chief of police.

  7. 1 hour ago, visionary said:

    I think there are some videos of this happening.  I’ve seen a bunch of people fighting and attacking police and not being shot.  Also I think we need to not go overboard with the taser. People are talking like he had a six shooter and was getting ready to start gunning people down.

    It doesn't matter. The dude just held his own vs the cops in a 2 on 1 and stole one of their weapons.


    The weapon isn't supposed to be lethal but it has killed people and can definitely incapacitate. things can turn really ugly really quick with a desperate man not thinking correctly, intoxicated, and not wanting to go to jail.  


    If you don't want to get shot maybe don't do things that make police officers feel they need to increase their use of force. 

  8. 48 minutes ago, Simmsy said:

    The police don't get to decide who lives and dies based on a whim. It seems like they initially were going to let the guy go, but one officer came back to escalate the situation. I'm not saying the victim is innocent, but to say that he did something worthy of being shot in the back...well, if you don't see this...

    He chose to fight police officers and stole and fired a weapon at a police officer after endangering others by drunk driving. It seems he didn't want to go to back to jail because he was on probation. (For wife and child beating)


    None of that is the cops fault. It was this idiots fault. You can lie to yourself and act like this dude was innocent but he clearly wasnt.  


    You can also pretend like he wasn't a threat to others but he clearly was. If he didn't resist arrest and escalate the situation he would be in jail but alive today. 


    There is risk as a police officer by letting drunk people go. Car and body cams record what people do and they have massive liability from a protection and moral POV. It still happens but is rare. 



    • Like 2
  9. If you want more highly educated and highly trained officers, defunding the police is not going to help. 


    Brooks committed several crimes and was a threat to himself and others. The police did nothing wrong. 


    If you don't see this you are part of the problem. 


    I feel bad for his family for losing a loved one but the silver lining is that they can can chose to not to be scumbags, be accountable for their actions,  and won't get killed in the process. 




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    • Haha 3
  10. Getting this odd feeling like ether is absolutely primed for takeoff. 


    Which means I'm probably wrong. 


    Will be interesting to see how things play out with all the updates over the next several months.  

  11. 1 hour ago, Llevron said:

    i don’t think they had to shoot in the Wendy’s situation though. He woulda ran, and unless he’s leaving the state you already know who he is and unless he had a particularly violent prior record than I’m not sure he was a danger to society. It’s another situation where slowing down and thinking would have prevented a death. 

    Unfortunately that is not the way it works. 

    committed a crime, resisted arrest and fought with a police officer, stole a weapon, and meant to inflict harm with said weapon.


    these things happen in a heartbeat and you only have time to react. Not doing so can cause the police officers and bystanders harm and there is zero guarantee that the criminal will run away.


    this situation is entirely different from the George Floyd case and should be treated as such.


    • Thanks 1
  12. 15 hours ago, skinfan2k said:

    Trump has done what exactly what he wanted to do and the media is eating it up.  They are not talking about coronavirus anymore.  CNN is one of those responsible.  Where is the number of cases, number of dead? The media just jumped to the racism issue.  

    The bulk of us media is leftist. They have been championing protesting. This does not fit their previous narrative of stay at home forever and wear a mask while you sleep or you will be the cause of a butterfly effect that wipes out humanity. It's not convenient or logical to talk about right now. 


    It will come back when we have a second wave and trump will be to blame. 


    Lots of blaming on both sides and no one wants to work together for a good solution. The American people suffer in the meantime. 

    • Confused 1
  13. Seems we have to spend our way out of economic crisis nowadays. 

    Maybe we go the route of massive nationalization of economic sectors. 

    One major problem with our economy is that we are passing the buck down the line. We did it 2001, we did it in 08’ and we are doing it again now.


    economic recessions are natural. It allows the most efficient business to develop and the poorly managed ones to fail. We haven’t allowed this and you will see in the upcoming months the result. Everyone is going to want to be bailed out.


    just like in 08 I feel the same way. Let them all die. It will only get worse if we push it down the line or we’ll end up with a comatose Japanese economy for 30 years.

    • Like 2
  14. 5 hours ago, RedskinsFan44 said:

    Do you have elderly relatives? Do you visit them? Are their interactions only with "at risk" people? Perhaps their caregiver is enjoying their weekend?


    Add: Or maybe their caregivers kid. I don't know how this is going to turn out, but it seems to me we could try to be careful for a while to see if it goes away. Acting on our desires may or may not cost people lives, but my guess is it will.

    I have a new born. I consider him a high risk candidate for things like this even though it doesn’t seem to target children. I have an elderly family member as well that is prone to sickness. For these reasons I took and still take extra precaution around them.


    but that shouldn’t necessarily be the case for everyone and I’m not going to judge others for feeling they have to work or get out of their house to provide for themselves and their families. 

    ive also seen how these sicknesses get hyped up by media before, and both political sides have gone out of their way to influence the media to their own agenda. It’s disgusting quite frankly and makes it difficult to understand what the real statistics are.


    What we are doing as a country is giving in to blind fear. Untold deaths from cancers and other progressive diseases will be a result. We are forcing people to stay at homes and wreck themselves financially, becoming more dependent on the government and a faulty economic system. the government is going to have to bailout the entire country on a state level.


    you wanna stay at home, are you very risk averse or more prone to sickness? You do you..but be aware of the liberty you are losing and don’t attempt to force me to follow suit.



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